Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?

by 제프베조스 posted Nov 11, 2019


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원서제목 Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
독서구분 다독,정독
각오 한마디(짧게) 즐기면서 가즈아~!
[3초 공지]
내 책 읽기에만 몰입하지 마시고 다른 회원의 글엔
응원의 댓글도 함께 달아 주세요! 

목표를 이루는데 서로에게 가장 큰 힘이됩니다.
모두 화이팅 입니다!


1) 총평 (완독 소감 + 간단한 원서 리뷰 포함)

그녀가 있기전의 first lady는 단지 높은 위치의 생활을 즐기는 영부인으로 인식되었다면...

그녀 이후로 영부인의 위상과 고귀함을 재정의했다고 볼수 있네요.
많은 인권운동을 하고 남편 뒷바라지로 대통령을 4번이나 연임하는데 공헌을 세우기도 합니다.

한편 남편인 프랭클린 루즈벨트가 바람핀 것도 나오네요...

남편이 죽고 영부인에서 물러나서 UN에서 활동하기도 하고...

미국에 있어서 첫번째 가는 first lady로 기억될 터입니다.

A shy child who had little confidence in herself

A teacher, newspaper columnist, and best-selling author

The First Lady of the U.S. longer than anyone

For a long time, the main role of First Ladies was to act as hostesses of the White House…until Eleanor Roosevelt.  Born in 1884, Eleanor was not satisfied to just be a glorified hostess for her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Eleanor had a voice, and she used it to speak up against poverty and racism.  She had experience and knowledge of many issues, and fought for laws to help the less fortunate.  She had passion, energy, and a way of speaking that made people listen, and she used these gifts to campaign for her husband and get him elected president-four times!  A fascinating historical figure in her own right, Eleanor Roosevelt changed the role of First Lady forever.


Another ship had rammed into the Britannica!
[Definition] (가끔은 일부러, 다른 차량선박 등을) 들이받다
= x, random access memory
= (거세하지 않은)숫양, =ARIES, 성벽을 부수는 해머, 충각(뱃머리의), 충각함, (항타기의)쇠달구, 쇠메, 자동 양수기, (수압기의)피스톤, 성벽을 부수는 해머로 치다, 충각으로 들이받다,
부딪치다, (말뚝 등을)때려 박다, (흙등을)다져 굳히다, 장전기(rammer)로 쑤셔 넣다, (물건을 용기 등에)쑤셔 넣다, 밀어 넣다, (차 등이 ...에)심하게 부딪치다, 격돌하다
air turbine = x, 램에어 터빈(장치가 고장 났을 때 배행 풍압을 원동력으로 하는 작은 터빈)
drag = x, 램 저항(제트 엔진의 실질추진력)
effect = x, 램 효과(기속)의 증가에 따라 흡입구에 유입되는 공기의 압력이 증가하는 효과)
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
She called Eleanor “Granny” because Eleanor was such a quiet, serious little girl.
annex(flat) = x, (본채에 붙은)노인 전용의 딴채
dress = x, 그래니 드레스(목에서 발목까지 닿는 기장이 길고 낙낙한 젊은 여성복)
glasses = x, 할머니 안경(젊은이들이 쓰는 둥근 금테 안경)
-nie = n, a, 할머니, 노파, 수선쟁이, 공연히 남의 걱정을 하는 사람, 선매듭(옷고름 매듭 같이 끈의 옭맨 두 끝이 끈의 원 방향ㅇ과 자를 이루는 매듭), 할머니의;할머니 옷 스타일의, 기장이 길고 낙낙한
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
The guide did not have shoes and his feet often bled as he walked on the rugged paths.
= vi, vt, n, 출혈하다, 피흘리다, 슬퍼하다-(환자의)피를 뽑다, 돈을 우려내다-찍힌 부분까지도 자른사진, 인쇄된 부분까지도 자른 사진?v, bleed의 과거 (분사)
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
바위투성이의, 기복이 심한
1) Marjorie was the mother hen of the group, and the others always teased her that she fussed over them too much.
2) Everyone
fussed over the little girl.
[Definition] 법석[야단/호들갑]을 떨다
= n, vi, vt, 야단법석, 떠들어대는 사람, 싸움, 말다툼하다, 속타게하다, 몸달아 설침, 떠들게 하다, 안달복달하게 하다. fusser n.
Malice | Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
1) Clouds were filing in now, big and clumsy, and more kids were calling out to her, watching her seethe.
2) For the chapter titled “Sketches” in Part Five, I made countless
clumsy drawings in my notebooks, three of which made it into the manuscript.
3) He loved that Eleanor tried hard at games even though she was sometimes
clumsy and fearful.
= a, ad, n,
꼴사나운, 어색한, 모양없는, (변명.표현등이)서투른, 재치 없는, 다루기 힘든, 쓰기 불편한, clumsily, -siness
The Book Thief | The Book Thief | Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
Uncle Teddy made Eleanor forget that she was a plain, unusually tall, and gawky girl.
= a, 얼빠진, 멍청한, 덜된
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
She was tall and plain.
= a, 명백한, 평이한, 쉬운, 단순한, 무늬없는, 보통의, 소박한, 솔직한,
예쁘지않은, 평탄한(in terms 솔직히 말하면)
clothes = x, 평복, 통상복
dealing = x, 솔직, 정직
language = x, 암호를 사용하지 않은 표현
sailing = x, 평온한 항해, 순조로운 진행
song = x, 단성 성가, 정선율, 단순하고 소박한 곡
speaking = x, 직언
spoken = a, 솔직한
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
Debutantes were girls from rich families.
[Definition] 처음 사교계에 나가는 상류층 여성
= n, DEBUTANT의 여성형
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
Eleanor later wrote about her wedding and described how everyone wanted to spend time with Teddy, not the newlyweds.
= n, a, 신혼자, 신혼부부, 신혼의
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
But by 1928, Eleanor Roosevelt had become a wonderful speaker and a respected member of the Democratic Party.
= n, 민주주의의, 민주적인
Party = x, (미)민주당(the Republican Party와 더불어 현재 미국의 2대 정당)
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
She was like a substitute mother.
= n,
대리인, 대체물, 대용품vt, 바꾸다, 대용하다, 대체하다, 대리시키다vi, 대리를 하다a, 대리의
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?

Who's 제프베조스


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