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Extra Form
참여 구분 100권목표
완료권수 111권째
원서제목 The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
독서구분 다독
각오 한마디(짧게) 가늘고 길게

1) 총평 (완독 소감 + 간단한 원서 리뷰 포함)

19세기 영국에서 '요조숙녀' 교육을 받은 13세 소녀 Charlotte Doyle은 배를 타고 미국의 집으로 갑니다. 같이 가기로 했던 지인들이 오지 않아 Charlotte은 그 배에 유일한 승객이 되었죠. Charlotte은 선장만이 신사이고, 선원들은 숙녀인 자신과는 어울리지 않는다고 생각했습니다. 선장은 그런 Charlotte을 이용해 선원들의 행동을 염탐하게 하죠. 그런데 시간이 갈수록 선장은 선원들을 학대하는 사람으로 보이고, Charlotte은 고생하는 선원들을 도와주고 싶어집니다. 그러다 선상 반란이 일어났으나 선장에게 제압당하고, 허리케인의 소용돌이 속에서 살인 사건이 발생했는데 Charlotte이 범인으로 지목되어 선상 재판에서 사형 선고를 받게 됩니다.

내용 전개가 소름이 쫙쫙 끼치도록 흥미롭습니다. 책을 읽다 놀라서 떨어뜨렸을 정도니까요. 배와 선원 생활에 대한 용어가 많이 나와서 술술 읽히지는 않았지만 책 말미에 부록으로 배 구조 그림과 용어 설명이 있어 전체적인 흐름을 이해하는 데는 무리 없었습니다. 역동적인 자극이 필요하신 분께 강추합니다.

2) 영어 원서 100권 읽기 프로젝트 참여 목록 (지금까지 읽은 원서 목록 ↓ )-
※   완료 글을 작성한 다음에는 꼭 다른 분의 완료 글에도 응원의 댓글을 달아주세요! (의무!!!!!) 
      본 게시판은 장거리 마라톤으로 서로 동기부여 하며 밀고 나가지 않는다면 큰 의미가 없기에 그렇습니다.

1. The Little Prince

2. Cinderella Man (Penguin Readers Level 4)

3. Building an Igloo

4. The Kidnapped King (A to Z Mysteries #11)

5. As Time Goes By (PR 4)

6. Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business (#2)

7. The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room (#1)

8. The Lucky Lottery (A to Z Mysteries #12)

9. Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (#1)

10. 2.1.8 The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food (#8)

11. Lorna Doone (PR 4)

12. Missing May (Newbury)

13. Primary Colors (PR 4)

14. The Missing Mummy (A to Z Mysteries #13)

15. The Ninth Nugget (A to Z Mysteries #14)

16. Knights of the Kitchen Table (The Time Warp Trio #1)

17. The Orange Outlaw (A to Z Mysteries #15)

18. The Panda Puzzle (A to Z Mysteries #16)

19. The Quicksand Question (A to Z Mysteries #17)

20. The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist (2.1.5)

21. Strangers on a Train (PR 4)

22. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

23. Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth (#3)

24. The Runaway Racehorse (A to Z Mysteries #18)

25. The School Skeleton (A to Z Mysteries #19)

26. The Talking T-Rex (A to Z Mysteries #20)

27. The Time Machine (PR 4)

28. The Unwilling Umpire (A to Z Mysteries #21)

29. The Vampire's Vacation (A to Z Mysteries #22)

30. The White Wolf (A to Z Mysteries #23)

31. The X'ed-Out X-Ray (A to Z Mysteries #24)

32. The Yellow Yacht (A to Z Mysteries #25)

33. The Zombie Zone (A to Z Mysteries #26)

34. The Full Monty (PR 4)

35. 2.1.22 The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat

36. Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday (#6)

37. 2.1.21 The Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed

38. Big Fat Cat and the Mustard Pie (#1)

39. Big Fat Cat Goes To Town (#2)

40. The Street Lawyer(PR Level 4)

41. Big Fat Cat And the Ghost Avenue (#3)

42. Big Fat Cat and the Magic Pie Shop (#4)

43. Big Fat Cat VS Mr. Jones (#5)

44. Big Fat Cat and the Fortune Cookie (#6)

45. Big Fat Cat and the Snow of the Century (#7)

46. George's Marvelous Medicine

47. The Locked Room and Other Horror Stories (PR 4)

48. Kidnapped at Birth? (Marvin Redpost #1)

49. The Berenstain Bears' New Baby

50. Why Pick on Me? (Marvin Redpost #2)

51. Is He a Girl? (Marvin Redpost #3)

52. Three Great Plays of Shakespeare (PR 4) 

53. Because of Winn-Dixie (Newbery Honor)

54. Alone in His Teacher’s House (Marvin Redpost #4)

55. Class President (Marvin Redpost #5)

56. A Flying Birthday Cake? (Marvin Redpost #6)

57. Super Fast, Out of Control! (Marvin Redpost #7)

58. The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day

59. A Magic Crystal? (Marvin Redpost #8)

60. Shakespeare His Life and Plays (PR 4)

61. Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl (#17)

62. Junie B., First Grader (at last!) (#18)

63. The Picture of Dorian Gray (PR 4)

64. The Berenstain Bears’ Picnic

65. The Elephant Man (Oxford Bookworms Library)

66. The Berenstain Bears: The Bear Detectives

67. Horrid Henry Shows Who's Boss

68. Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy

69. Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead

70. My Father's Dragon (Newbury)

71. The Berenstain Bears’ Vacation / The Berenstain Bears and the Bears in the Night

72. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (#1)

73. The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners / Old Hat, New Hat

74. Julie of the Wolves (Newbury)

75. The Berenstain Bears The Big Honey Hunt

76. The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies

77. Catherine, Called Birdy (Newbery Honor)

78. The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories (PR 4)

79. The Berenstain Bears and the Bike Lesson

80. 1984 (PR 4)

81. Sarah, Plain and Tall (Newbery)

82. And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street

83. Nate the Great

84. The Old Man and the Sea

85. Nate the Great Goes Undercover

86. The Godfather (PR 4)

87. Gladiator (PR 4)

88. Dear Mr. Henshaw (Newbury)

89. Welcome to Dead House (Goosebumps #1)

90. Holes (Newbery)

91. The House of Stairs (PR 4)

92. The Dollhouse Murders

93. Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid (#1)

94. The Dream and Other Stories (PR 4)

95. Flora & Ulysses (Newbury)

96. About a Boy (PR 4)

97. Cathedral

98. Judy Moody Was in a Mood (#1)

99. Crime Story Collection (PR 4)

100. The Last Lecture

101. The Bad Beginning: Or. Orphans! (A Series of Unfortunate Events #1)

102. Flat Stanley

103. Inventions that Changed World (PR 4)

104. Tuesdays with Morrie

105. Women in Business (PR 4)

106. The One and Only Ivan (Newbury)

107. Management Gurus (PR 4)

108. Allergic to Girls, School (Alvin Ho #1)

109. It's Our World, Too!

110. The Tale of Despereaux

111. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (Newbury Honor)


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    scmhsw 2014.12.29 14:33
    연말 낚시 이벤트죠? ㅋㅋㅋ
    이것도 내년 list에 넣어야 겠군요... ㅎㅎㅎ
  • profile
    scmhsw 2014.12.29 14:37
    근데.. 혹시 source가...
  • profile
    하다 2014.12.30 16:15
    정말 흥미진진진합니다^^ 전 여백이 좀 잘려나간 책을 50% 할인가에 구입해서 읽었 이북은 못 찾겠더라고요, ㅠㅠ

List of Articles
번호 참여 구분 완료권수 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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» 100권목표 111권째 The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle 3 하다 2014.12.27 255
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2503 200권목표 135권째 The Zack Files #16. Evil Queen Tut and the Great Ant Pyramids riiil 2014.12.25 220
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2501 100권목표 90권째 The joker –magic reader grade 6 찬란한링 2014.12.24 179
2500 200권목표 134권째 Andrew Lost #15. In the Jungle riiil 2014.12.24 153
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