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Who's 제프베조스


죽을때까지 영어원서 읽고 천국가서도 원서 볼껍니닷~~!!

정년퇴직(55세?) 전 1,000권 목표

정년퇴직 이후는 영어에 대해 자유로워지기~~ 전세계를 누비며 영어 쓰면서 추억, 친구만들기

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    미추 2019.05.17 06:09
    감사합니다. 추가 질문 좀 드려도 될까요?^^;
    킨들 인터내셔널버전을 구입했는데 아마존이북 바로 주문이 되나요? 우회로해야 블럭염려도 없다고 하고 어떤분은 그냥 한국주소로해도 괜찮다고 하고 뭐가 맞는지 모르겠네요:)
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    제프베조스 2019.05.17 07:29
    이건 저도 잘 모르겠어요 저는 5년정도 전부터 그냥 잘쓰고 있는데 우회라고 하는게 카드 주소지를 미국내로 돌리는 건가요?
  • ?
    미추 2019.05.17 12:50
    네 안그럼 블럭위험이 있다고해서요
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    시네프리 2019.05.18 13:32
    케바케 겠지만, 전 아마존 계정 생성 이후로 10년 넘게 국가지정을 미국으로 해두고 사용중이고, 필요시 한국으로 변경했다가 다시 영어로 바꿉니다. 청구지 주소를 한국주소와 애플주소로 등록해 두었구요~.~ 실제 배송제품은 한국 주소 사용하고, 그외는 디폴트로 애플주소로 지정하여 사용중입니다.((무료)이북 구매....)
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    시네프리 2019.05.18 13:30
    마지막 페이지만 넘기면, 간단한 리뷰 하나 적고, 리셋 되버리는 저와는 확실히 다르시네요.ㅠ
    저두 좀 집중을 해야하는데, 복습도 하고,,,,,ㅠ 쉽지 않아요.....그래서 더 대단해 보이는 베조스님....^^
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    제프베조스 2019.05.18 16:01
    저도 똑같아요 시네프리님 ㅎㅎ
    이 프로그램 궁금해 하시는 분이 있어 제가 깐김에 올렸습죠 ㅋ
  • ?
    월평 2019.06.28 09:30
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    제프베조스 2019.10.12 22:13

    테스트)XML원본 붙여넣기

    remorse1) “Doesn’t it trouble you at all that Julian doesn’t seem to be showing the least bit of remorse?”
    2) “Julian—” “Look, I know everyone thinks I’m this unfeeling kid who doesn’t feel ‘remorse’!”

    n. 1 deep regret for a wrong committed. 2 compunction; compassion, mercy (without remorse). [medieval latin mordeo mors- bite]
    jockMeanwhile, Auggie was walking down the hallways like some cool dude, getting high-fived by all the jocks in the upper grades.

    n. Slang scotsman. [scots form of the name jack]
    premonitionI should have taken that as a premonition.

    n. Forewarning; presentiment. premonitory adj. [latin moneo warn]
    goofI was still supposed to keep up on my schoolwork, though, so it’s not like I totally got to goof off.

    slang —n. 1 foolish or stupid person. 2 mistake. —v. 1 bungle. 2 blunder. [latin gufus coarse]
    strepWhen Henry texted me a few days later asking why I wasn’t in school, I told him I had strep throat.

    (n) streptococcus, streptococci, strep (spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains
    cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis)

    (adj) streptococcal, streptococcic, strep (of or relating to or caused by streptococci)
    meek“And I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” she said meekly.

    adj. Humble and submissive or gentle. meekly adv. Meekness n. [old norse]
    goad“He was goaded into writing them!”

    —v. 1 urge on with a goad. 2 (usu. Foll. By on, into) irritate; stimulate. —n. 1 spiked stick used for urging cattle forward. 2 anything that torments or incites. [old english]
    blipAs I looked around the lobby, I had a blip of a memory—that day before school started, when me, Jack Will, and Charlotte had met up here before meeting our “welcome buddy” for the first time.

    —n. 1 minor deviation or error. 2 quick popping sound. 3 small image on a radar screen. —v. (-pp-) make a blip. [imitative]
    overreact“It’s a massive overreaction.”

    v. Respond more forcibly than is justified. overreaction n.
    ramificationHe can’t fully understand the ramifications of his actions if you keep trying to justify them away.

    n. (usu. In pl.) 1 consequence. 2 subdivision of a complex structure or process. [french: related to *ramify]
    trying“We’re trying to help Julian, too.

    adj. Annoying, vexatious; hard to endure.
    punitive“The point of the suspension isn’t punitive,” he said quietly.

    adj. 1 inflicting or intended to inflict punishment. 2 (of taxation etc.) Extremely severe. [french or medieval latin: related to *punish]
    gruffHe sounded gruff.

    adj. 1 a (of a voice) low and harsh. B (of a person) having a gruff voice. 2 surly. gruffly adv. Gruffness n. [low german or dutch grof coarse]
    outrageous1) Perversely, Jeff made the stories more and more outrageous.
    2) Nurse Molly has the names of several therapists who we think Julian should see—” “This is outrageous,” interrupted Mom, steaming.

    adj. 1 immoderate. 2 shocking. 3 immoral, offensive. outrageously adv.
    But then I thought, so if it wasn’t Auggie who ratted me out, who was it?

    —n. 1 a rodent like a large mouse. B similar rodent (muskrat; water-rat). 2 turncoat. 3 colloq. Unpleasant or treacherous person. 4 (in pl.) Slang exclamation of annoyance etc. —v. (-tt-) 1 hunt or kill rats. 2 (also foll. By on) inform (on); desert, betray. [old english]

    racen. Colloq. Fiercely competitive struggle for position, power, etc.

    tatn. (also rat-tat-tat, ratatat, rat-a-tat) rapping sound, esp. Of a knocker. [imitative]
    lameIt was so lame!

    —adj. 1 disabled in the foot or leg. 2 a (of an excuse etc.) Unconvincing; feeble. B (of verse etc.) Halting. —v. (-ming) make lame; disable. lamely adv. Lameness n. [old english]

    duckn. Helpless person or firm.
    And ever since then, she’s been spending all her time with the freak.

    —n. 1 (often attrib.) Monstrosity; abnormal person or thing (freak storm). 2 colloq. A unconventional person. B fanatic of a specified kind (health freak). C drug addict. —v. (often foll. By out) colloq. 1 become or make very angry. 2 (cause to) undergo hallucinations etc., esp. As a result of drug abuse. 3 adopt an unconventional lifestyle. freakish adj. Freaky adj. (-ier, -iest). [probably from dial.]
    peep1) At lunchtime, I’d always sit with my peeps, and we were like, it.
    2) It’s like he totally abandoned his peeps this year and only hangs out with Auggie now.

    holen. Small hole for peeping through.

    shown. Small exhibition of pictures etc. Viewed through a lens or hole set into a box etc.
    tarnish“Now you can look at this picture and not have to have your memory of fifth grade tarnished,” she said.

    —v. 1 (cause to) lose lustre. 2 impair (one's reputation etc.). —n. 1 loss of lustre, esp. As a film on a metal's surface. 2 blemish, stain. [french ternir from terne dark]
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.

    n. 1 thin transparent fabric of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [french from gaza in palestine]
    Like, for instance, although I love Star Wars now, the very first time I saw Star Wars: Episode II, which was at a birthday sleepover when I was eight, I had to text my mom to come get me at two a.m. because I couldn’t fall asleep: every time I’d close my eyes, Darth Sidious’s face would pop into my head.

    (n) sleepover (an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children))
    karma“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”

    n. Buddhism & hinduism person's actions in previous lives, believed to decide his or her fate in future existences. [sanskrit, = action, fate]
    mitzvah“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”

    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a precept or commandment of the Jewish law)
    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty)
    bigwigMom’s always been kind of a bigwig at school.

    n. Colloq. Important person.
    ravingTushman before, because he was the middle-school director and I was still in the lower school, but she couldn’t stop raving about how nice he’d been on the phone.

    —n. (usu. In pl.) Wild or delirious talk. —adj. & adv. Colloq. As an intensifier (a raving beauty; raving mad).
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.

    n. 1 thin transparent fabric of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [french from gaza in palestine]
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    제프베조스 2019.10.12 22:34

    테스트) 엑셀에서 붙여넣기

    word trans
    remorse 1) “Doesn’t it trouble you at all that Julian doesn’t seem to be showing the least bit of remorse?”
     2) “Julian—” “Look, I know everyone thinks I’m this unfeeling kid who doesn’t feel ‘remorse’!”
     n. 1 deep regret for a wrong committed. 2 compunction; compassion, mercy (without remorse). [medieval latin mordeo mors- bite]
    jock Meanwhile, Auggie was walking down the hallways like some cool dude, getting high-fived by all the jocks in the upper grades.
     n. Slang scotsman. [scots form of the name jack]
    premonition I should have taken that as a premonition.
     n. Forewarning; presentiment. premonitory adj. [latin moneo warn]
    goof I was still supposed to keep up on my schoolwork, though, so it’s not like I totally got to goof off.
     slang —n. 1 foolish or stupid person. 2 mistake. —v. 1 bungle. 2 blunder. [latin gufus coarse]
    strep When Henry texted me a few days later asking why I wasn’t in school, I told him I had strep throat.
     (n) streptococcus, streptococci, strep (spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains
     cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis)
     (adj) streptococcal, streptococcic, strep (of or relating to or caused by streptococci)
    meek “And I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” she said meekly.
     adj. Humble and submissive or gentle. meekly adv. Meekness n. [old norse]
    goad “He was goaded into writing them!”
     —v. 1 urge on with a goad. 2 (usu. Foll. By on, into) irritate; stimulate. —n. 1 spiked stick used for urging cattle forward. 2 anything that torments or incites. [old english]
    blip As I looked around the lobby, I had a blip of a memory—that day before school started, when me, Jack Will, and Charlotte had met up here before meeting our “welcome buddy” for the first time.
     —n. 1 minor deviation or error. 2 quick popping sound. 3 small image on a radar screen. —v. (-pp-) make a blip. [imitative]
    overreact “It’s a massive overreaction.”
     v. Respond more forcibly than is justified. overreaction n.
    ramification He can’t fully understand the ramifications of his actions if you keep trying to justify them away.
     n. (usu. In pl.) 1 consequence. 2 subdivision of a complex structure or process. [french: related to *ramify]
    trying “We’re trying to help Julian, too.
     adj. Annoying, vexatious; hard to endure.
    punitive “The point of the suspension isn’t punitive,” he said quietly.
     adj. 1 inflicting or intended to inflict punishment. 2 (of taxation etc.) Extremely severe. [french or medieval latin: related to *punish]
    gruff He sounded gruff.
     adj. 1 a (of a voice) low and harsh. B (of a person) having a gruff voice. 2 surly. gruffly adv. Gruffness n. [low german or dutch grof coarse]
    outrageous 1) Perversely, Jeff made the stories more and more outrageous.
     2) Nurse Molly has the names of several therapists who we think Julian should see—” “This is outrageous,” interrupted Mom, steaming.
     adj. 1 immoderate. 2 shocking. 3 immoral, offensive. outrageously adv.
    rat But then I thought, so if it wasn’t Auggie who ratted me out, who was it?
     —n. 1 a rodent like a large mouse. B similar rodent (muskrat; water-rat). 2 turncoat. 3 colloq. Unpleasant or treacherous person. 4 (in pl.) Slang exclamation of annoyance etc. —v. (-tt-) 1 hunt or kill rats. 2 (also foll. By on) inform (on); desert, betray. [old english]
     racen. Colloq. Fiercely competitive struggle for position, power, etc.
     tatn. (also rat-tat-tat, ratatat, rat-a-tat) rapping sound, esp. Of a knocker. [imitative]
    lame It was so lame!
     —adj. 1 disabled in the foot or leg. 2 a (of an excuse etc.) Unconvincing; feeble. B (of verse etc.) Halting. —v. (-ming) make lame; disable. lamely adv. Lameness n. [old english]
     duckn. Helpless person or firm.
    freak And ever since then, she’s been spending all her time with the freak.
     —n. 1 (often attrib.) Monstrosity; abnormal person or thing (freak storm). 2 colloq. A unconventional person. B fanatic of a specified kind (health freak). C drug addict. —v. (often foll. By out) colloq. 1 become or make very angry. 2 (cause to) undergo hallucinations etc., esp. As a result of drug abuse. 3 adopt an unconventional lifestyle. freakish adj. Freaky adj. (-ier, -iest). [probably from dial.]
    peep 1) At lunchtime, I’d always sit with my peeps, and we were like, it.
     2) It’s like he totally abandoned his peeps this year and only hangs out with Auggie now.
     holen. Small hole for peeping through.
     shown. Small exhibition of pictures etc. Viewed through a lens or hole set into a box etc.
    tarnish “Now you can look at this picture and not have to have your memory of fifth grade tarnished,” she said.
     —v. 1 (cause to) lose lustre. 2 impair (one's reputation etc.). —n. 1 loss of lustre, esp. As a film on a metal's surface. 2 blemish, stain. [french ternir from terne dark]
    gauze 1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
     2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.
     n. 1 thin transparent fabric of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [french from gaza in palestine]
    sleepover Like, for instance, although I love Star Wars now, the very first time I saw Star Wars: Episode II, which was at a birthday sleepover when I was eight, I had to text my mom to come get me at two a.m. because I couldn’t fall asleep: every time I’d close my eyes, Darth Sidious’s face would pop into my head.
     (n) sleepover (an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children))
    karma “Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”
     n. Buddhism & hinduism person's actions in previous lives, believed to decide his or her fate in future existences. [sanskrit, = action, fate]
    mitzvah “Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”
     (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a precept or commandment of the Jewish law)
     (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty)
    bigwig Mom’s always been kind of a bigwig at school.
     n. Colloq. Important person.
    raving Tushman before, because he was the middle-school director and I was still in the lower school, but she couldn’t stop raving about how nice he’d been on the phone.
     —n. (usu. In pl.) Wild or delirious talk. —adj. & adv. Colloq. As an intensifier (a raving beauty; raving mad).
    gauze 1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
     2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.
     n. 1 thin transparent fabric of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [french from gaza in palestine]
  • profile
    제프베조스 2019.10.12 22:44

    테스트)구글시트 XML파일 - 1) 2열 글자크기7 wrap 2) 1열 글자크기8 vertical align 후 붙여넣기

    remorse1) “Doesn’t it trouble you at all that Julian doesn’t seem to be showing the least bit of remorse?”
    2) “Julian—” “Look, I know everyone thinks I’m this unfeeling kid who doesn’t feel ‘remorse’!”

    n. 1 deep regret for a wrong committed. 2 compunction; compassion, mercy (without remorse). [medieval latin mordeo mors- bite]
    jockMeanwhile, Auggie was walking down the hallways like some cool dude, getting high-fived by all the jocks in the upper grades.

    n. Slang scotsman. [scots form of the name jack]
    premonitionI should have taken that as a premonition.

    n. Forewarning; presentiment. premonitory adj. [latin moneo warn]
    goofI was still supposed to keep up on my schoolwork, though, so it’s not like I totally got to goof off.

    slang —n. 1 foolish or stupid person. 2 mistake. —v. 1 bungle. 2 blunder. [latin gufus coarse]
    strepWhen Henry texted me a few days later asking why I wasn’t in school, I told him I had strep throat.

    (n) streptococcus, streptococci, strep (spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains
    cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis)

    (adj) streptococcal, streptococcic, strep (of or relating to or caused by streptococci)
    meek“And I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” she said meekly.

    adj. Humble and submissive or gentle. meekly adv. Meekness n. [old norse]
    goad“He was goaded into writing them!”

    —v. 1 urge on with a goad. 2 (usu. Foll. By on, into) irritate; stimulate. —n. 1 spiked stick used for urging cattle forward. 2 anything that torments or incites. [old english]
    blipAs I looked around the lobby, I had a blip of a memory—that day before school started, when me, Jack Will, and Charlotte had met up here before meeting our “welcome buddy” for the first time.

    —n. 1 minor deviation or error. 2 quick popping sound. 3 small image on a radar screen. —v. (-pp-) make a blip. [imitative]
    overreact“It’s a massive overreaction.”

    v. Respond more forcibly than is justified. overreaction n.
    ramificationHe can’t fully understand the ramifications of his actions if you keep trying to justify them away.

    n. (usu. In pl.) 1 consequence. 2 subdivision of a complex structure or process. [french: related to *ramify]
    trying“We’re trying to help Julian, too.

    adj. Annoying, vexatious; hard to endure.
    punitive“The point of the suspension isn’t punitive,” he said quietly.

    adj. 1 inflicting or intended to inflict punishment. 2 (of taxation etc.) Extremely severe. [french or medieval latin: related to *punish]
    gruffHe sounded gruff.

    adj. 1 a (of a voice) low and harsh. B (of a person) having a gruff voice. 2 surly. gruffly adv. Gruffness n. [low german or dutch grof coarse]
    outrageous1) Perversely, Jeff made the stories more and more outrageous.
    2) Nurse Molly has the names of several therapists who we think Julian should see—” “This is outrageous,” interrupted Mom, steaming.

    adj. 1 immoderate. 2 shocking. 3 immoral, offensive. outrageously adv.
    ratBut then I thought, so if it wasn’t Auggie who ratted me out, who was it?

    —n. 1 a rodent like a large mouse. B similar rodent (muskrat; water-rat). 2 turncoat. 3 colloq. Unpleasant or treacherous person. 4 (in pl.) Slang exclamation of annoyance etc. —v. (-tt-) 1 hunt or kill rats. 2 (also foll. By on) inform (on); desert, betray. [old english]

    racen. Colloq. Fiercely competitive struggle for position, power, etc.

    tatn. (also rat-tat-tat, ratatat, rat-a-tat) rapping sound, esp. Of a knocker. [imitative]
    lameIt was so lame!

    —adj. 1 disabled in the foot or leg. 2 a (of an excuse etc.) Unconvincing; feeble. B (of verse etc.) Halting. —v. (-ming) make lame; disable. lamely adv. Lameness n. [old english]

    duckn. Helpless person or firm.
    freakAnd ever since then, she’s been spending all her time with the freak.

    —n. 1 (often attrib.) Monstrosity; abnormal person or thing (freak storm). 2 colloq. A unconventional person. B fanatic of a specified kind (health freak). C drug addict. —v. (often foll. By out) colloq. 1 become or make very angry. 2 (cause to) undergo hallucinations etc., esp. As a result of drug abuse. 3 adopt an unconventional lifestyle. freakish adj. Freaky adj. (-ier, -iest). [probably from dial.]
    peep1) At lunchtime, I’d always sit with my peeps, and we were like, it.
    2) It’s like he totally abandoned his peeps this year and only hangs out with Auggie now.

    holen. Small hole for peeping through.

    shown. Small exhibition of pictures etc. Viewed through a lens or hole set into a box etc.
    tarnish“Now you can look at this picture and not have to have your memory of fifth grade tarnished,” she said.

    —v. 1 (cause to) lose lustre. 2 impair (one's reputation etc.). —n. 1 loss of lustre, esp. As a film on a metal's surface. 2 blemish, stain. [french ternir from terne dark]
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.

    n. 1 thin transparent fabric of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [french from gaza in palestine]
    sleepoverLike, for instance, although I love Star Wars now, the very first time I saw Star Wars: Episode II, which was at a birthday sleepover when I was eight, I had to text my mom to come get me at two a.m. because I couldn’t fall asleep: every time I’d close my eyes, Darth Sidious’s face would pop into my head.

    (n) sleepover (an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children))
    karma“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”

    n. Buddhism & hinduism person's actions in previous lives, believed to decide his or her fate in future existences. [sanskrit, = action, fate]
    mitzvah“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”

    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a precept or commandment of the Jewish law)
    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty)
    bigwigMom’s always been kind of a bigwig at school.

    n. Colloq. Important person.
    ravingTushman before, because he was the middle-school director and I was still in the lower school, but she couldn’t stop raving about how nice he’d been on the phone.

    —n. (usu. In pl.) Wild or delirious talk. —adj. & adv. Colloq. As an intensifier (a raving beauty; raving mad).
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.

    n. 1 thin transparent fabric of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [french from gaza in palestine]
  • profile
    제프베조스 2019.10.13 00:30

    테스트)한글사전 찾아서 변환

    remorse1) “Doesn’t it trouble you at all that Julian doesn’t seem to be showing the least bit of remorse?”
    2) “Julian—” “Look, I know everyone thinks I’m this unfeeling kid who doesn’t feel ‘remorse’!”

    = n, 후회, 양심의 가책, 자책, 연민, 자비(pity)
    jockMeanwhile, Auggie was walking down the hallways like some cool dude, getting high-fived by all the jocks in the upper grades.

    n. Slang scotsman. [scots form of the name jack]
    premonitionI should have taken that as a premonition.

    = n, 예고, 예감
    goofI was still supposed to keep up on my schoolwork, though, so it’s not like I totally got to goof off.

    = n, 바보vi, 바보 짓을 하다, 빈둥거리다vt, 실수하다, (마취약 따위로)멍청하게 만들다
    strepWhen Henry texted me a few days later asking why I wasn’t in school, I told him I had strep throat.

    (n) streptococcus, streptococci, strep (spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains
    cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis)

    (adj) streptococcal, streptococcic, strep (of or relating to or caused by streptococci)
    meek“And I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” she said meekly.

    = a, 온순한, 유화한, 겸손한
    goad“He was goaded into writing them!”

    = n, vt, (가축을 목기 위한)뾰족한 막대기(로 찌르다), 자극(을 주다), 격려(하다)
    blipAs I looked around the lobby, I had a blip of a memory—that day before school started, when me, Jack Will, and Charlotte had met up here before meeting our “welcome buddy” for the first time.

    = n, 영상, 레이더의 영상
    overreact“It’s a massive overreaction.”

    = vi, 지나치게 반응하다, 과잉 반응하다
    ramificationHe can’t fully understand the ramifications of his actions if you keep trying to justify them away.

    n. (usu. In pl.) 1 consequence. 2 subdivision of a complex structure or process. [french: related to *ramify]
    trying“We’re trying to help Julian, too.

    = vt, (시험삼아)해보다, 노력하다, 시험해보다, 심리하다, 괴롭히다, 시련을 겪게 하다, 정련(정제)하다vi, 시도해보다, 노력하다, ~ on (옷을)입어보다, 시험해 보다, ~ one's hand at ...을 해보다, ~ out ...을 철저히 해보다, 엄밀히 시험하다, 자기 적성을 시험해 보다(for)n, 시도, 시험, 노력 ?a, 견딜 수 없는, 괴로운, 쓰라린, 지치는, 화나는, 약오르는(prowoking)
    punitive“The point of the suspension isn’t punitive,” he said quietly.

    = a, 형벌의, 벌주는

    damages = x, 징계적 손해 배상금
    gruffHe sounded gruff.

    = a, 쉰 목소리의, 거친, 난폭한
    outrageous1) Perversely, Jeff made the stories more and more outrageous.
    2) Nurse Molly has the names of several therapists who we think Julian should see—” “This is outrageous,” interrupted Mom, steaming.

    = a, 난폭한, 포학한, 괘씸한, 심한
    ratBut then I thought, so if it wasn’t Auggie who ratted me out, who was it?

    = 쥐, 변절자, 탈당자, 노동조합협정액보다 낮은 임금으로 일하는 직공, 파업 불가담 직공, 파업 파괴자(scab), 배신자, 비열한 인간, (머리를 땋을 때 덧넣는)다리, 스파이, 밀고자, 신입생(freshman), (개가)쥐를 잡다, 조합 협정액보다 낮은 임금으로 일하다, 동맹 파업에 가담하지 않다, 파업을 파괴하다, 탈당(변절)하다, 비열한 짓을 하다

    a-tat = n, (의성어)둥둥(문.북등을 두드리는 소리)(rat-tat), 기관총

    bite fever(disease) = x, 서교열

    fink = x, 보기 싫은 놈, 비열한 사람, 밀고자, 배반자

    mite = x, 집잔디(쥐.사람의 피를 빨아먹음)

    poison = x, 쥐약

    race = x, 치열하고 무의미한 경쟁, 과당경쟁, (치열한)경쟁사회, 큰 혼잡, 댄스파티
    lameIt was so lame!

    = a, 절름발이의, (논설, 변명 따위가) 불충분한, 앞뒤가 맞지 않는, go(walk)~ 발을 절다vt, 절름발이로 만들다

    duck = x, 불구자, 파산자, 잔여 임기에 있는 재선 낙선의원, 부서진 비행기
    freakAnd ever since then, she’s been spending all her time with the freak.

    = n, a, vi, vt, 변덕, 기형, 괴물, 진기한, 별난, 변덕을 부리다, 괴상한 짓을 하다vt, n, 얼룩지게 하다, 얼룩
    peep1) At lunchtime, I’d always sit with my peeps, and we were like, it.
    2) It’s like he totally abandoned his peeps this year and only hangs out with Auggie now.

    = n, vi, 삐악삐악, 작은 소리로 이야기 하다n, 엿보기, 훔쳐봄, 출현, 엿보다, 훔쳐보다, 나타나다

    show = x, 요지경

    sight = x, 가늠자 구멍
    tarnish“Now you can look at this picture and not have to have your memory of fifth grade tarnished,” she said.

    = vt, vi, 흐리(게 하)다, (명예 따위)손상시키다(되다)n, (광물 따위의)흐림, 녹, 더러움, 오점
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.

    = n, 성기고 얇은 천, 사, 가제, (가는)철망, 엷은 안개, gauzy
    sleepoverLike, for instance, although I love Star Wars now, the very first time I saw Star Wars: Episode II, which was at a birthday sleepover when I was eight, I had to text my mom to come get me at two a.m. because I couldn’t fall asleep: every time I’d close my eyes, Darth Sidious’s face would pop into my head.

    (n) sleepover (an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children))
    karma“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”

    = n, 갈마, 업, 인연, 운명
    mitzvah“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”

    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a precept or commandment of the Jewish law)
    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty)
    bigwigMom’s always been kind of a bigwig at school.

    = n, 높은사람, 요인
    ravingTushman before, because he was the middle-school director and I was still in the lower school, but she couldn’t stop raving about how nice he’d been on the phone.

    = 헛소리하다, (미친 사람처럼)지껄이다, 떠들다, 소리치다, 열심히 이야기하다(설명하다), 격찬하다, (바람.물 등이)사납게 일다, 미친 듯이 기뻐하다, (미친 사람처럼)정신 없이 지껄이다, 외치다, 절규하다, (폭풍우 등이)사납게 불다가 (...의 상태)가 되다, 격찬하는, 마구 칭찬하는, 열광적인, 사납게 날뜀, 노호(바람.파도의), 격찬, 무턱댄 호평, 평판이 난 사람(물건), (짐수레 등의)둘레판?a, ad, n, ad, 광란하는, 미쳐날뛰는, 헛소리하는, 대단한, 굉장한, 대단히, 헛소리, 광란, 노호, ~ly
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.

    = n, 성기고 얇은 천, 사, 가제, (가는)철망, 엷은 안개, gauzy
  • profile
    제프베조스 2019.10.13 01:39

    테스트) 줄지우기 엑셀 매크로 실행

    remorse1) “Doesn’t it trouble you at all that Julian doesn’t seem to be showing the least bit of remorse?”
    2) “Julian—” “Look, I know everyone thinks I’m this unfeeling kid who doesn’t feel ‘remorse’!”
    = n, 후회, 양심의 가책, 자책, 연민, 자비(pity)
    jockMeanwhile, Auggie was walking down the hallways like some cool dude, getting high-fived by all the jocks in the upper grades.
    n. Slang scotsman. [scots form of the name jack]
    premonitionI should have taken that as a premonition.
    = n, 예고, 예감
    goofI was still supposed to keep up on my schoolwork, though, so it’s not like I totally got to goof off.
    = n, 바보vi, 바보 짓을 하다, 빈둥거리다vt, 실수하다, (마취약 따위로)멍청하게 만들다
    strepWhen Henry texted me a few days later asking why I wasn’t in school, I told him I had strep throat.
    (n) streptococcus, streptococci, strep (spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains
    cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis)
    (adj) streptococcal, streptococcic, strep (of or relating to or caused by streptococci)
    meek“And I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” she said meekly.
    = a, 온순한, 유화한, 겸손한
    goad“He was goaded into writing them!”
    = n, vt, (가축을 목기 위한)뾰족한 막대기(로 찌르다), 자극(을 주다), 격려(하다)
    blipAs I looked around the lobby, I had a blip of a memory—that day before school started, when me, Jack Will, and Charlotte had met up here before meeting our “welcome buddy” for the first time.
    = n, 영상, 레이더의 영상
    overreact“It’s a massive overreaction.”
    = vi, 지나치게 반응하다, 과잉 반응하다
    ramificationHe can’t fully understand the ramifications of his actions if you keep trying to justify them away.
    n. (usu. In pl.) 1 consequence. 2 subdivision of a complex structure or process. [french: related to *ramify]
    trying“We’re trying to help Julian, too.
    = vt, (시험삼아)해보다, 노력하다, 시험해보다, 심리하다, 괴롭히다, 시련을 겪게 하다, 정련(정제)하다vi, 시도해보다, 노력하다, ~ on (옷을)입어보다, 시험해 보다, ~ one's hand at ...을 해보다, ~ out ...을 철저히 해보다, 엄밀히 시험하다, 자기 적성을 시험해 보다(for)n, 시도, 시험, 노력 ?a, 견딜 수 없는, 괴로운, 쓰라린, 지치는, 화나는, 약오르는(prowoking)
    punitive“The point of the suspension isn’t punitive,” he said quietly.
    = a, 형벌의, 벌주는
    damages = x, 징계적 손해 배상금
    gruffHe sounded gruff.
    = a, 쉰 목소리의, 거친, 난폭한
    outrageous1) Perversely, Jeff made the stories more and more outrageous.
    2) Nurse Molly has the names of several therapists who we think Julian should see—” “This is outrageous,” interrupted Mom, steaming.
    = a, 난폭한, 포학한, 괘씸한, 심한
    ratBut then I thought, so if it wasn’t Auggie who ratted me out, who was it?
    = 쥐, 변절자, 탈당자, 노동조합협정액보다 낮은 임금으로 일하는 직공, 파업 불가담 직공, 파업 파괴자(scab), 배신자, 비열한 인간, (머리를 땋을 때 덧넣는)다리, 스파이, 밀고자, 신입생(freshman), (개가)쥐를 잡다, 조합 협정액보다 낮은 임금으로 일하다, 동맹 파업에 가담하지 않다, 파업을 파괴하다, 탈당(변절)하다, 비열한 짓을 하다
    a-tat = n, (의성어)둥둥(문.북등을 두드리는 소리)(rat-tat), 기관총
    bite fever(disease) = x, 서교열
    fink = x, 보기 싫은 놈, 비열한 사람, 밀고자, 배반자
    mite = x, 집잔디(쥐.사람의 피를 빨아먹음)
    poison = x, 쥐약
    race = x, 치열하고 무의미한 경쟁, 과당경쟁, (치열한)경쟁사회, 큰 혼잡, 댄스파티
    lameIt was so lame!
    = a, 절름발이의, (논설, 변명 따위가) 불충분한, 앞뒤가 맞지 않는, go(walk)~ 발을 절다vt, 절름발이로 만들다
    duck = x, 불구자, 파산자, 잔여 임기에 있는 재선 낙선의원, 부서진 비행기
    freakAnd ever since then, she’s been spending all her time with the freak.
    = n, a, vi, vt, 변덕, 기형, 괴물, 진기한, 별난, 변덕을 부리다, 괴상한 짓을 하다vt, n, 얼룩지게 하다, 얼룩
    peep1) At lunchtime, I’d always sit with my peeps, and we were like, it.
    2) It’s like he totally abandoned his peeps this year and only hangs out with Auggie now.
    = n, vi, 삐악삐악, 작은 소리로 이야기 하다n, 엿보기, 훔쳐봄, 출현, 엿보다, 훔쳐보다, 나타나다
    show = x, 요지경
    sight = x, 가늠자 구멍
    tarnish“Now you can look at this picture and not have to have your memory of fifth grade tarnished,” she said.
    = vt, vi, 흐리(게 하)다, (명예 따위)손상시키다(되다)n, (광물 따위의)흐림, 녹, 더러움, 오점
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.
    = n, 성기고 얇은 천, 사, 가제, (가는)철망, 엷은 안개, gauzy
    sleepoverLike, for instance, although I love Star Wars now, the very first time I saw Star Wars: Episode II, which was at a birthday sleepover when I was eight, I had to text my mom to come get me at two a.m. because I couldn’t fall asleep: every time I’d close my eyes, Darth Sidious’s face would pop into my head.
    (n) sleepover (an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children))
    karma“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”
    = n, 갈마, 업, 인연, 운명
    mitzvah“Okay,” Jack said, “I don’t know what the heck karma is and I don’t know what the heck mitzvah is!”
    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a precept or commandment of the Jewish law)
    (n) mitzvah, mitsvah ((Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty)
    bigwigMom’s always been kind of a bigwig at school.
    = n, 높은사람, 요인
    ravingTushman before, because he was the middle-school director and I was still in the lower school, but she couldn’t stop raving about how nice he’d been on the phone.
    = 헛소리하다, (미친 사람처럼)지껄이다, 떠들다, 소리치다, 열심히 이야기하다(설명하다), 격찬하다, (바람.물 등이)사납게 일다, 미친 듯이 기뻐하다, (미친 사람처럼)정신 없이 지껄이다, 외치다, 절규하다, (폭풍우 등이)사납게 불다가 (...의 상태)가 되다, 격찬하는, 마구 칭찬하는, 열광적인, 사납게 날뜀, 노호(바람.파도의), 격찬, 무턱댄 호평, 평판이 난 사람(물건), (짐수레 등의)둘레판?a, ad, n, ad, 광란하는, 미쳐날뛰는, 헛소리하는, 대단한, 굉장한, 대단히, 헛소리, 광란, 노호, ~ly
    gauze1) Davison’s class, three seats away from Chad’s empty desk, he couldn’t get the image of Tamaya’s grotesque hand out of his mind; torn strips of bloody gauze had dangled from her blistered flesh.
    2) On Egyptian Museum day, Auggie’s face had been covered with mummy gauze.
    = n, 성기고 얇은 천, 사, 가제, (가는)철망, 엷은 안개, gauzy

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번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 추천 수 조회 수
공지 공지 아마존에서 배송대행으로 킨들을 직접 구매하는 법 30 file 구름다리 2015.05.03 8 8120
443 질문 화면이 멈추어 있는건 뭔가요? 2 송이네 2018.09.29 0 126
442 혹시, 갤럭시 탭에서 킨들 사용하면 word wise 기능이 활성화 되던가요? 1 썬글라스 2017.05.20 0 1092
441 혹시 킨들로 볼수 있는 비기너에게 도움될만한 문법책이 있을까요? ^^ 4 E마스터 2017.08.31 0 396
440 혹시 킨들 처분하실 분 안계신가요? 구하고 싶어요^^ 9 영어사랑 2014.01.25 0 146
439 혹시 옥션이베이 아시는분 꼐신가요? ^^ 10 ssassu 2013.04.30 0 234
438 질문 혹시 가로모드 상하반전 기능 없겠죠? 5 2030년까지 2020.06.04 0 178
437 해리포터 원서 구입하기 7 file 바람의전설 2016.07.27 5 1650
436 핡...흜....헤헤...헤헤헤.....(킨들 페이퍼화이트 4세대 리뷰) 27 file 먼지 2019.05.02 0 741
435 한 집에 킨들만 3대...-_- 8 수퍼노바 2015.08.12 0 460
434 질문 하나의 킨들에서 일본 미국 아마존 동시 이용이 안되나요?(일본에서 구입하신 분들) 5 asrama 2016.02.11 0 2191
433 펭귄리더스를 아이패드로 읽다가 3 장미 2014.04.14 0 272
432 펭귄리더스 킨들에 어떻게 넣어야 할까요? 21 그랑께 2015.02.17 0 529
431 펭귄리더스 읽고 있는데,,, 10 그랑께 2014.07.03 0 549
430 페화구형 삿습니다! ㅎㅎ 12 화두 2013.11.04 0 106
429 페화3 질렀습니다 6 kimgyubum 2017.02.15 0 357
428 질문 페화3 질렀네요.. 3 phobest 2017.02.03 0 251
427 페화 화면상 기스 AS 2 머찐깽시기 2016.03.07 1 215
426 페화 1세대에는 vocabulary builder 기능이 없나요? 5 file 빈삼각 2019.02.27 0 187
425 페이퍼화이트 2세대때 샀는데 여전히 잘 쓰고 있습니다. 1 김성훈 2017.02.09 0 380
424 추천 파울로 코엘료 공식 사이트에서 몇몇 전자책을 무료로 배포하고 있습니다. 커크리 2021.02.06 1 116
423 질문 트레킹번호가 안뜨는 이유는? 4 소야소야 2016.02.16 0 392
422 토렌스를 읽거나 동영상을 보기위한 킨들은 어떻게 구하나요? 구입하나요? 11 산수화 2014.06.26 0 302
421 태블렛 과 이북 8 동혁이 2013.10.20 0 235
420 질문 킨을 보이지 2 소식은 없나요? 1 하나미찌 2016.02.17 0 145
419 킨들화이트페이퍼랑 드롭박스가 연동이 되나요? 3 mjyou 2018.01.28 0 540
418 질문 킨들페화에 대하여 2 MAGICTREEHOUSE 2018.11.08 0 244
417 킨들페화3과 기본킨들이 20달러씩 할인합니다. 3 file 구름다리 2015.10.19 0 206
416 질문 킨들페화 할인하면 좀 알려주세요~ 3 찐빵과꽁꽁이 2016.01.27 0 152
415 킨들페화 질렀습니다! 16 으이쿠 2013.10.31 0 104
414 킨들페이퍼화이트 질렀습니다. ㅎ아이패드 팔아 킨들 샀다.ㅎ 3 antonio 2017.05.26 2 415
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