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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
1. 준비 계획/실천
2. 매일 수행/실천
3. 지속 평가/기록

글쓰기:500P / 댓글 :50P / 다운로드: 0P

  1. [필독] 원서 리뷰 글 작성시 꼭 지켜주세요!!!

  2. [Aravind Adiga]The White Tiger

  3. [Wilson Rawls] Where the red Fern Grows

  4. [Jennifer L. Armentrout] Don't Look Back : 4.8점

  5. John Grisham의 Ford County

  6. Amy Harmon의 Making Faces : 별5개!

  7. Confess

  8. To Kill Mocking Bird

  9. Charlie and the great glass elevator + charlie and the chocolate factory(스포주의)

  10. Where the red fern grows?

  11. The Martian

  12. Persuasion - Jane Austen

  13. A kiss before dying

  14. A monster calls - Patrick Ness

  15. Memoir of Geisha - Arthur Golden

  16. the moon and the sixpence

  17. Bud’s momma is an ideal mother

  18. 신화 판타지 퍼시잭슨~!

  19. 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared.

  20. Happy prince

  21. Jurassic Park

  22. the book thief

  23. Darren shan #4- vampire mountain

  24. Darren shan #3- tunnels of blood

  25. Shadow Children - Margaret Peterson Haddix

  26. The girl who saved the king of Sweden.

  27. A man called Ove

  28. Hector and search for happiness.

  29. Darren shan #1-cirque du freak

  30. The Road

  31. 트와일라잇 시리즈

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