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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
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Hi, everyone. I've recently been reading books that are written in English at least 30 minutes a day. I have not been counting days so I'm not sure how many days it's been. Anyways, there are many books that have been sitting on my book shelf for years and one day I suddenly decided to read one at a time before I buy new books. The first book I read was "Zero to one" I don't really remember the details about the book and there were many words that I didn't know but I just read through it. When I finished reading it I thought about studying the words and read it again but I didn't really enjoy reading that book. So I decided to start another book instead. And the second book was the book that I want to talk about today. The title of the book is "Just for fun" It's mostly about how Linus Torvalds came to create the free but very useful and popular operating system Linux by just having fun. Linus was born and raised in Finland and he fiddled with computers ever since he was very young. He liked his computers so much that he could sit in front of his computer for days and on. As he grew older, he thought he would just continue studying and teaching at Helsinki University and become a professor following the footsteps of his fathers. However, his interest in computers didn't stop at just playing with it for his own purpose. He began to work on creating his own operating system because the one he used to use had some problems. The most important and interesting fact is that he released his versions for free. And I'm not sure exactly (I don't know much about computers to be honey) but he made it so other people could work on developing it too. His works were very different from those of Bill Gates who made millions of dollars from selling the famous operating system, Windows. Linus eventually became rich because he was given stock options from some of the big companies that use Linux.

The book gives you a lesson that if you really like doing something and keep digging deep into it then you can achieve and accomplish amazing things like changing the world.

  • ?
    페이크북 2018.05.03 11:46
    라이너스 토발즈면 리눅스 창시자군요.
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    고마제 2018.05.04 21:20
    네 맞습니다. 리누스 토발즈인줄 알았는데 라이너스였군요!
  • ?
    페이크북 2018.05.05 15:24
    어차피 핀란드 사람이라서... 발음은 의미가 없는 것 같아요. 오히려 리누스가 더 원어발음일지도 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
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    고마제 2018.05.05 19:00
    아하 알려주셔서 감사합니다!

  1. [필독] 원서 리뷰 글 작성시 꼭 지켜주세요!!!

  2. The Birth of Korean Cool

  3. The Devotion of Suspect X

  4. 드디어 로알드 달 소설을 읽었네요. James and the Giant peach

  5. Mr. Monk 시리즈

  6. 아서 코난 도일의 셜록 홈즈 시리즈 2/2

  7. Prince님이 추천해 주신 Big little lies ~재미있어요

  8. The beginner's bible

  9. 어느 소년의 서바이벌 이야기 Hatchet

  10. Holes 를 읽었네요~

  11. Squishy McFluff - The invisible Cat

  12. Holes

  13. peter principle

  14. Big fat cat

  15. Just for fun - Linus Torvalds and David Diamond

  16. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Richard Carlson

  17. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert T. KiYOSAKI

  18. Percy Jackson The Sea of Monsters #2

  19. 13 Reasons Why- Jay Asher

  20. Mr Creep the Crook

  21. 읽기 좋은 레미제라블, Level 6, penguin readers.

  22. A Grief Observed

  23. 루이스 쌔커님의 Small Steps

  24. Usborne Reading Collection for confident readers

  25. James and the Giant Peach - Roald Dahl

  26. Fish in a tree

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