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내 책 읽기에만 몰입하지 마시고 다른 회원의 글엔
응원의 댓글도 함께 달아 주세요! 

목표를 이루는데 서로에게 가장 큰 힘이됩니다.
모두 화이팅 입니다!

2019년 12월에 매트하 완독하려 했는데, 멀린 시리즈가 양이 많아서 완주 못 했네요. ㅡㅡ;;;

리딩 속도가 느린것 같아서 충분히 달성 가능하고 양적인 독해를 하려고 합니다.

60권 골랐는데, 6개월 내내 볼거는 아니고 4~5개월정도 보려고 합니다.

100권까지 6권정도는 고민해보려고 합니다. 

바빠서 적절한 책은 못 찾으면 재독할지도 모르겠네요.

재독해보니 속도도 빨라지고 이해되는 부분이 많아지더라구요.

해리포터까지 화이팅!!!!

35 Junie B. Jones 1. Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus 2.9 250L 6,670
36 Junie B. Jones 2. Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business 2.9 310L 6,380
37 Junie B. Jones 3. Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth 3 310L 5,365
38 Junie B. Jones 4. Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying 2.9 330L 5,655
39 Junie B. Jones 5. Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake 2.7 330 7,395
40 Junie B. Jones 6. Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday 2.8 330 7,685
41 Junie B. Jones 7. Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren 2.7 340 5,655
42 Junie B. Jones 8. Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed 2.7 340 5,800
43 Junie B. Jones 9. Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook 3 340 5,365
44 Junie B. Jones 10. Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal 2.8 350 6,525
45 Junie B. Jones 11. Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy 2.8 360 5,510
46 Junie B. Jones 12. Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy 2.6 360 5,510
47 Junie B. Jones 13. Junie B. Jones Is (Almost) a Flower Girl 2.7 370 6,525
48 Junie B. Jones 14. Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentine 2.9 380 6,235
49 Junie B. Jones 15. Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket 2.9 380 5,945
50 Junie B. Jones 16. Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day 2.8 380 6,235
51 Junie B. Jones 17. Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl 3 380 6,815
52 Junie B. Jones 18. Junie B., First Grader (at Last!) 2.6 390 6,276
53 Junie B. Jones 19. Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch 2.8 400 6,986
54 Junie B. Jones 20. Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder 2.8 400 7,948
55 Junie B. Jones 21. Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants 3.1 410 8,174
56 Junie B. Jones 22. Junie B., First Grader: One-Man Band 3 410 7,930
57 Junie B. Jones 23. Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked 3.1 410 8,022
58 Junie B. Jones 25. Junie B., First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! 2.8 420 11,197
59 Junie B. Jones 26. Junie B., First Grader: Aloha-ha-ha! 2.8 420 11,350
60 Junie B. Jones 27. Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny 2.8 410 11,372
61 A to Z Mysteries 01. The Absent Author 3.4 510L 8,535
62 A to Z Mysteries 02. The Bald Bandit 3.2 470L 6,566
63 A to Z Mysteries 03. The Canary Caper 3.4 650L 8,317
64 A to Z Mysteries 04. The Deadly Dungeon 3.4 490L 8,350
65 A to Z Mysteries 05. The Empty Envelope 3.5 500L 6,595
66 A to Z Mysteries 06. The Falcon's Feathers 3.3 420L 7,264
67 A to Z Mysteries 07. The Goose's Gold 3.3 380L 7,273
68 A to Z Mysteries 08. The Haunted Hotel 3.4 380L 8,287
69 A to Z Mysteries 09. The Invisible Island 3.6 420L 8,689
70 A to Z Mysteries 10. The Jaguar's Jewel 3.5 450L 8,751
71 A to Z Mysteries 11. The Kidnapped King 3.4 410L 8,710
72 A to Z Mysteries 12. The Lucky Lottery 3.8 490L 8,386
73 A to Z Mysteries 13. The Missing Mummy 4 510L 7,599
74 A to Z Mysteries 14. The Ninth Nugget 3.7 520L 9,616
75 A to Z Mysteries 15. The Orange Outlaw 3.6 440L 7,603
76 A to Z Mysteries 16. The Panda Puzzle 3.5 450L 8,544
77 A to Z Mysteries 17. The Quicksand Question 3.7 490L 9,416
78 A to Z Mysteries 18. The Runaway Racehorse 3.6 470L 8,364
79 A to Z Mysteries 19. The School Skeleton 3.7 500L 8,690
80 A to Z Mysteries 20. The Talking T-Rex 3.8 490L 9,943
81 A to Z Mysteries 21. The Unwilling Umpire 3.5 520L 9,036
82 A to Z Mysteries 22. The Vampire's Vacation 3.5 590L 8,500
83 A to Z Mysteries 23. The White Wolf 3.6 630L 9,006
84 A to Z Mysteries 24. The X'ed-Out X-Ray 3.8 640L 8,793
85 A to Z Mysteries 25. The Yellow Yacht 3.9 650L 8,632
86 A to Z Mysteries 26. The Zombie Zone 3.8 630L 8,662
87 Marvin Redpost [01] Kidnapped at Birth? 2.8 290L 5,423
88 Marvin Redpost [02] Why Pick on Me? 2.7 290L 4,645
89 Marvin Redpost [03] Is He a Girl? 2.8 300L 6,237
90 Marvin Redpost [04] Alone In His Teacher's House 2.9 410L 6,892
91 Marvin Redpost [05] Class President 3.4 430L 6,045
92 Marvin Redpost [06] A Flying Birthday Cake? 3.2 460L 7,245
93 Marvin Redpost [07] Super Fast, Out of Control! 3.6 420L 7,438
94 Marvin Redpost [08] A Magic Crystal? 3.1 330L 8,107
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    제프베조스 2019.12.30 21:12
    리스트 작성하신것을 보니 꽉꽉 채워서 진도 잘 나갈것 같습니다. 빠른 2020 스타~트 홧팅!
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    주책스머프 2019.12.31 06:36
    네 감사합니다. 2020 화이팅!
  • ?
    rosy 2020.04.26 23:17
    와~뭔가 엄청난 느낌이에요~ 화이팅입니다~

List of Articles
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» 2020 상반기 도전 리스트! 3 주책스머프 2019.12.30 95
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504 2020 상반기 wish list 1 dory 2019.12.29 61
503 2020 상반기 wish!! 5 제프베조스 2019.12.26 74
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