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번호 진행일자 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2016-03-24 처음 오시는 분은 이 글을 읽고 게시글을 올려주세요. 21 하다 2016.03.24 688
공지 2014-12-09 [참여] 회화 표현 익히기 유용한 레시피를 추천해 주세요! 8 잉하 2014.12.09 720
공지 2014-12-09 필독: 매일 회화 표현 한 문장 건지기- 1년 프로젝트 5 file 잉하 2014.12.09 1219
1393 2019-08-11 I'm between jobs. 11 아엠 2019.08.11 72
1392 2019-08-10 I thing I'll pass. 11 아엠 2019.08.10 53
1391 2019-08-09 What's bothering you? 9 아엠 2019.08.09 61
1390 2019-08-08 You go by the book 11 아엠 2019.08.08 22
1389 2019-08-07 Make it on time. 9 아엠 2019.08.07 20
1388 2019-08-06 He has gone for the day. 10 아엠 2019.08.06 69
1387 2019-08-05 I'm not picky about food. 9 아엠 2019.08.05 47
1386 2019-08-04 I don't buy it. 8 아엠 2019.08.04 24
1385 2019-08-03 knock it off! 13 아엠 2019.08.03 140
1384 2019-08-02 Act your age! 10 아엠 2019.08.02 33
1383 2019-08-01 Hold on, please. 9 아엠 2019.08.01 100
1382 2019-07-31 I'm freezing to death. 10 아엠 2019.07.31 55
1381 2019-07-30 I can't take it anymore. 11 아엠 2019.07.30 60
1380 2019-07-29 Math's not my thing. 10 아엠 2019.07.29 59
1379 2019-07-28 How did it go? 10 아엠 2019.07.28 27
1378 2019-07-27 Look who's here! 8 아엠 2019.07.27 38
1377 2019-07-26 Don't mention it. 10 아엠 2019.07.26 125
1376 2019-07-25 What's the weather like? 10 아엠 2019.07.25 45
1375 2019-07-24 I feel like going out. 6 아엠 2019.07.24 19
1374 2019-07-23 Care for some coffee? 8 아엠 2019.07.23 101
1373 2019-07-22 Look on the bright side. 8 아엠 2019.07.22 122
1372 2019-07-21 What do you mean? 7 아엠 2019.07.21 30
1371 2019-07-20 Can you give me a hand? 9 아엠 2019.07.20 90
1370 2019-07-19 Want to come along? 10 아엠 2019.07.19 55
1369 2019-07-18 He's getting out of hand. 7 아엠 2019.07.18 40
1368 2019-07-17 You've crossed the line. 10 아엠 2019.07.17 88
1367 2019-07-16 Are you sure? 8 아엠 2019.07.16 20
1366 2019-07-15 Don't tell me what to do. 6 아엠 2019.07.15 162
1365 2019-07-14 I called in sick. 9 아엠 2019.07.14 41
1364 2019-07-13 What's up with your hair? 7 아엠 2019.07.13 76
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