나의 레벨&포인트 현황

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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
1. 준비 계획/실천
2. 매일 수행/실천
3. 지속 평가/기록

글쓰기:200P / 댓글 :100P

  1. 처음 오시는 분은 이 글을 읽고 게시글을 올려주세요.

  2. [참여] 회화 표현 익히기 유용한 레시피를 추천해 주세요!

  3. 필독: 매일 회화 표현 한 문장 건지기- 1년 프로젝트

  4. Do you mind if I take a seat here?

  5. I don't think I can make it.

  6. I went out for the first time in a while.

  7. It's all in good turn.

  8. Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched

  9. Cleaning up has become second nature for me.

  10. I've got no time to blink.

  11. He was nothing like his reputatilon.

  12. My mouth is watering.

  13. Sorry, I should take this.

  14. Keep next Monday open, Please.

  15. Could you clean up?

  16. Don't be short like that

  17. I stayed up all night.

  18. I'm swamped at work.

  19. I've got a lot to catch up on.

  20. I'm suffering from jet lag.

  21. Tacos reuqire the wrapping of meat and veggies in tortilla wraps.

  22. Let's grab a bite to eat.

  23. You can cross off a few of the names.

  24. Korea has jumped on the bandwagon as well!

  25. Stop twisting my arm.

  26. I'm halfway through.

  27. What's the point of learning English if you can't speak?

  28. He no longer works here.

  29. Eric is always one step behind.

  30. Heat it in the microwave.

  31. Does he have your number?

  32. Am I easily influenced?

  33. You can't tell me what to do.

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