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번호 진행일자 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2016-03-24 처음 오시는 분은 이 글을 읽고 게시글을 올려주세요. 21 하다 2016.03.24 688
공지 2014-12-09 [참여] 회화 표현 익히기 유용한 레시피를 추천해 주세요! 8 잉하 2014.12.09 720
공지 2014-12-09 필독: 매일 회화 표현 한 문장 건지기- 1년 프로젝트 5 file 잉하 2014.12.09 1218
763 2017-10-21 I really screwed up my exams. 13 백과사전 2017.10.21 37
762 2017-10-06 Once in a blue moon. 19 페니와이즈 2017.10.06 37
761 2020-01-06 speak of the devil. 10 보리언니 2020.01.06 37
760 2016-10-28 Winter affects me a lot. 4 후우니 2016.10.28 37
759 2021-07-17 It's better to take the subway than cabs. 1 마르샤 2021.07.17 36
758 2021-04-30 Fake it till you make it. 3 마르샤 2021.04.30 36
757 2020-10-09 Don't quote me, please. 8 freeatlast 2020.10.09 36
756 2020-06-26 I'm not really a people person. 8 바다의추억 2020.06.26 36
755 2020-04-21 I held up my end of the deal. 10 ruby 2020.04.22 36
754 2020-02-18 What were you thinking? 10 yumi 2020.02.18 36
753 2020-02-18 Can you do me a favor? 9 매일영어 2020.02.17 36
752 2020-01-25 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 11 구피블루 2020.01.25 36
751 2020-01-15 What do you look for in a relationship? 12 CHALLENG 2020.01.15 36
750 2018-11-05 This is undercooked. 11 안암골호돌이 2018.11.05 36
749 2018-11-03 I'm snacking on this peach. 7 Carol77 2018.11.03 36
748 2018-11-02 I'm going to catch up on my sleep. 7 안암골호돌이 2018.11.02 36
747 2018-03-03 How close did you get? 13 밍키 2018.03.03 36
746 2017-11-01 Jinx, buy me a soda. 15 쩐쭈 2017.11.01 36
745 2017-09-24 I’ll be back in no time. 18 백과사전 2017.09.24 36
744 2017-04-30 The grass is green(er) on the other side. 7 치킨숲 2017.04.30 36
743 2017-02-24 Am I easily influenced? 8 Arin 2017.02.24 36
742 2017-02-15 What's it llike to work with him? 6 Arin 2017.02.15 36
741 2017-02-14 Do I look that easy? 5 Arin 2017.02.14 36
740 2016-11-14 May I ask what this is about? 4 Arin 2016.11.14 36
739 2016-05-18 I will cut corners to save money. 3 키미 2016.05.18 36
738 2021-07-23 It's so funny running into you! 마르샤 2021.07.23 35
737 2021-03-02 I’m so sorry to cancel on you so suddenly. 3 파란사과 2021.03.02 35
736 2021-02-09 once a cheater, always a cheater in my book. 4 file 킨들조아 2021.02.09 35
735 2020-01-24 Now I’d like to draw your attention to this screen here. 12 ruby 2020.01.24 35
734 2020-01-14 He will often sit up all night. 10 CHALLENG 2020.01.14 35
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