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번호 진행일자 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2016-03-24 처음 오시는 분은 이 글을 읽고 게시글을 올려주세요. 21 하다 2016.03.24 688
공지 2014-12-09 [참여] 회화 표현 익히기 유용한 레시피를 추천해 주세요! 8 잉하 2014.12.09 720
공지 2014-12-09 필독: 매일 회화 표현 한 문장 건지기- 1년 프로젝트 5 file 잉하 2014.12.09 1218
463 2017-03-23 I stayed up all night. 8 dhkim1027 2017.03.23 27
462 2017-02-25 Does he have your number? 8 Arin 2017.02.25 27
461 2017-02-09 Everything is under control. 6 Arin 2017.02.09 27
460 2017-02-05 It's not in my job description. 4 Arin 2017.02.05 27
459 2017-02-01 Hear me out. 4 후우니 2017.02.01 27
458 2016-08-19 This cake has our blood, sweat, and tears in it, literally. 3 freeandduty 2016.08.19 27
457 2018-05-06 Are you aching? 6 anonymous 2018.05.06 27
456 2016-02-12 Get real! 꿈 깨! 6 smallsteps 2016.02.12 27
455 2016-01-06 If you don't want to stand out, go with the flow 4 하다 2016.01.06 27
454 2022-11-16 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. —LAO-TZU 프리미엄 2022.11.20 26
453 2021-06-23 It's not really my cup of tea. 마르샤 2021.06.23 26
452 2021-05-10 My phone battery has run down. It needs recharging. 2 마르샤 2021.05.10 26
451 2021-05-08 I was late, because I overslept. 2 마르샤 2021.05.08 26
450 2021-04-29 What's up with him? I don't get it. 3 마르샤 2021.04.29 26
449 2021-04-09 I have my own way how to control my stress. 3 파란사과 2021.04.09 26
448 2021-03-17 I don’t know how many times I’ve made up my mind. 5 파란사과 2021.03.17 26
447 2021-03-03 I want to pay in three monthly installments. 4 파란사과 2021.03.03 26
446 2020-11-24 I didn't do it on purpose. 6 10년까지 2020.11.24 26
445 2020-01-11 Sounds like you have a lot going on. 15 Sera.J 2020.01.10 26
444 2019-12-09 I sent her a message with a link to an article. 13 ruby 2019.12.09 26
443 2019-09-16 Coming through. 13 jagur3 2019.09.16 26
442 2019-08-28 Can you confirm where you were when you found out World War 2 was over? 10 지니n 2019.08.28 26
441 2019-04-10 You've got somebody behind you, huh? 11 감자나무 2019.04.10 26
440 2019-03-10 Keep your head 14 정스 2019.03.10 26
439 2018-12-13 You can do what you like. 9 mmisess 2018.12.13 26
438 2018-12-09 she has always looked up to her mother. 11 다독다독다독!! 2018.12.09 26
437 2017-08-21 I'm on my way. 15 스피드박 2017.08.21 26
436 2017-07-14 Heel! 13 pit-a-pat 2017.07.14 26
435 2017-05-17 Are you far too outspoken? 9 레오&리태 2017.05.17 26
434 2017-01-21 You're really on fire. 4 후우니 2017.01.21 26
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