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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
1. 준비 계획/실천
2. 매일 수행/실천
3. 지속 평가/기록

글쓰기:120P / 댓글 :100P

  1. * 바꿔쓰기 훈련시 유의점 안내(필독)

  2. 매일 매일 영어문장쓰기 게시판 활용안내

  3. 매일영문쓰기 한가지 방법 제안...

  4. If you are not willing to learn

  5. Parting is such sweet sorrow,

  6. You always did look pretty, just pretty nigh good enough to eat.

  7. I am motivating to do something more meaningful

  8. Don't judge me

  9. Bring yourself

  10. Here's looking at you, kid.

  11. No Image 18Feb
    by 셀래스티얼버피더티
    2019/02/18 by 셀래스티얼버피더티
    Views 86  Replies 9

    I bet you didn't think I'd come back.

  12. IF you do not love me, I love you enough for both.

  13. When I was young, I didn't like English.

  14. I have been studing English to my emigration to Austrailia!

  15. Are you nuts?

  16. I love the hands-on ~

  17. I would say he's just ordinary.

  18. Once a teacher, always a teacher.

  19. Would you rather be stuck in a house with someone you hate or be stuck in a house alone?

  20. What is one thing that you would like to change about the world?

  21. Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never overestimate your power to change others.

  22. I always have been wanting to be able to understand English well, since I was at university.

  23. Their storage facilities placed them well to ride out price swings.

  24. The sound of gunfire ceased, but war clouds remain.

  25. Paul's eyelids grew heavier and heavier and heavier as he tried to think of the phrase that would break the ice with Barbara.

  26. i don't paint out of responsibility.

  27. There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.

  28. Have no fear of perfection - You will never reach it.

  29. He and Finnerty and Shepherd, with the ink hardly dry on their doctorates, had been sent to one of the machine shops to make the recording.

  30. We all live our lives carrying secrets we cannot disclose.

  31. It sounded threatening, like a drumbeat would to someone lost in the jungle.

  32. What we might call 'camouflaged expression.' Not of what had in fact happened, but of what should have happened.

  33. Even the darkest, thickest cloud shines silver when viewed from above.

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