나의 레벨&포인트 현황

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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
1. 준비 계획/실천
2. 매일 수행/실천
3. 지속 평가/기록

글쓰기:120P / 댓글 :100P

  1. * 바꿔쓰기 훈련시 유의점 안내(필독)

  2. 매일 매일 영어문장쓰기 게시판 활용안내

  3. 매일영문쓰기 한가지 방법 제안...

  4. His mistake put himself in jeopardy.

  5. I don’t see why not.

  6. I didn’t think it was a big deal.

  7. The screen on this phone scratches so easily.

  8. The back office staff gets paid a pittance.

  9. I got enough sleep but still feel lethargic and unproductive.

  10. I don’t care who said what to who.

  11. I was at the very front of the line.

  12. We barely managed to arrive on time.

  13. he seems little upset today.

  14. Things are settling down.

  15. The chance had to be there

  16. give it a shot

  17. I make plans every morning.

  18. I was baptized recently at Myeongdong Cathedral.

  19. I read English books everyday.

  20. They fold into themselves and then you can just carry it around in a small package.

  21. A woman talking on the phone is taking notes

  22. Let's take a vote.

  23. Your sincere review has been chosen as the testimonial of the month.

  24. Naver too old to learn.

  25. You know how people are on social media.

  26. We haven't been out for blood ages.

  27. It didn’t feel as far as I thought it was going to.

  28. The best part about surfing the internet is that you can find anything.

  29. The pregnant woman had an ultrasound taken.

  30. I had a chat with my friends over coffee.

  31. It's kind of hard to describe.

  32. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

  33. I relieve stress by talking to friends and family.

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