나의 레벨&포인트 현황

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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
1. 준비 계획/실천
2. 매일 수행/실천
3. 지속 평가/기록

글쓰기:120P / 댓글 :100P

  1. * 바꿔쓰기 훈련시 유의점 안내(필독)

  2. 매일 매일 영어문장쓰기 게시판 활용안내

  3. 매일영문쓰기 한가지 방법 제안...

  4. I would have said yes.

  5. There's always a next time

  6. Feel free to call me anytime.

  7. I am so tired today

  8. It has been going down for thousands of years.

  9. I stopped reading and put my book down.

  10. We have to carry out the plan.

  11. There was an accident last night.

  12. I almost died in a car accident.

  13. None of them are popular.

  14. Did you find everything you need?

  15. I'd like to have the sauce on the side.

  16. She had difficulty in finding a job.

  17. I found out the truth by accident.

  18. I would like to apply myself to studying English for the time being.

  19. Excuse me, Could you show me the way to the bank?

  20. Could you tell me the way to the market?

  21. I've been studying English for a week.

  22. we went to the movies, but we didn't enjoy the film.

  23. What do you think of my outfit?

  24. As usual, she was dressed all in one color.

  25. When are you coming home?

  26. Now matters more than any other time in your life,

  27. I have a reputation for being obnoxious.

  28. It is a little chilly outside.

  29. How do you know each other?

  30. We're young and we're reckless.

  31. That's what I was thinking at first.

  32. He swallowed hard.

  33. Don't give me that look.

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