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* 영어원서 읽기 삼위일체(三位一體) 수행 지침서* 
1. 준비 계획/실천
2. 매일 수행/실천
3. 지속 평가/기록

글쓰기:120P / 댓글 :100P

There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.

폭력의 위협을 가할 모습은 그들에게 없었지만, 그를 좋아하는 사람이 없는 곳에 들어왔다는 것을 그에게 알려주고 싶어하는 분노는 있었다. 

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    Dr.knowitall 2018.12.14 09:16

    There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.

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    Dr.knowitall 2018.12.14 09:35
    너무 건방질지 모르겠는데, 번역 조금 수정해도 될까요?

    Resentment 는 그냥 분노라기보다는 조금 복잡한 감정이거든요. 분노도 있지만 놀람, 슬픔, 두려움, 망설임이 다 포함되어 있는 감정이에요. 특히 부당한 것을 보았을 때 공정하지 않은 것을 보았을 때 느끼는 감정입니다. 우리말로 적합한 번역어가 딱히 없기는 해요.

    그리고 이런 문장에서 now는 “ 이제 곧” 이란 뜻으로 번역됩니다.

    Threat 역시 위협이라는 뜻도 있지만 더 정확한 뉘앙스는 나쁜일이 일어날 조짐이나 분위기, 그러니까 위협도 때릴것 같은 분위기 뭐 그런거잖아요. 근본적으로는 threat는 나쁜 징조를 의미하는 단어입니다.

    I was not liked 라고 하면 보통 환영받지 못한다고 번역들 하는데요, 나한테 안맞는거 어울리지 않는것 등에 씁니다. 참고로 Milk doen’t like me. 라고 하면 우유가 소화 안된다는 뜻이에요.
    그래서...해석을 해보자면

    겉으로 보아서는 곧 폭력을 저지를 조짐은 보이지 않았다. 하지만 그가 가서는 안 될곳을 침범했다는 것을 알려주고 싶어하는 적개심이 있었다.

    정도하면 어떨까 싶습니다. 물론 책을 번역할때는 더 한국어 문법에 가깝게 하겠지만서도요.
  • ?
    환환환환 2018.12.14 15:04
    좋은 말씀 감사합니다 :) 몰랐던 걸 알게되었네요
    괜찮으시다면 앞으로도 계속 부탁드립니다 !!
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    Dr.knowitall 2018.12.15 00:07
    아이구 좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 정진하겠습니다.
  • ?
    갓진영 2018.12.14 15:38
    There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.
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    맨날요요 2018.12.18 10:27
    There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.
  • ?
    바람소리 2019.01.14 09:11
    There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.
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    스쿼시 2019.10.07 15:02
    There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was no liked.
  • ?
    파란사과 2021.01.12 14:20
    There was no threat of violence in their looks now, but there was resentment, a wish to let him know that he had intruded where he was not liked.

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