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응원의 댓글은 목표를 이루는데 서로에게 가장 큰 힘이됩니다. 모두 화이팅 입니다!

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원서제목 #307 The Story of the World #3 Early Modern Times
독서구분 다독,정독
각오 한마디(짧게) 즐기면서 가즈아~!
[3초 공지]
내 책 읽기에만 몰입하지 마시고 다른 회원의 글엔
응원의 댓글도 함께 달아 주세요! 

목표를 이루는데 서로에게 가장 큰 힘이됩니다.
모두 화이팅 입니다!


1) 총평 (완독 소감 + 간단한 원서 리뷰 포함)

세계사 시리즈 3편입니다. 1편부터 잼나게 보면.. 놓을수가 없습니다.

마치 설민석이 세계사를 쉬운영어로 한번 훍어주는 느낌??? ㅎㅎ

이제 마지막 4권 남았네요...

Who Was 좋아하시는분 강추구요... 참고로 Who Was 10편분량입니다. ㅋㅋ

아래는 아마존 소개

This third book in the four-volume narrative history series for elementary students will transform your study of history. The Story of the World has won awards from numerous homeschooling magazines and readers' polls―over 150,000 copies of the series in print!

Now more than ever, other cultures are affecting our everyday lives―and our children need to learn about the other countries of the world and their history. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of other lands. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child; Volume 3: Early Modern Times weaves world history into a story book format. Who was the Sun King? Why did the Luddites go around England smashing machines? And how did samurai become sumo wrestlers?

The Story of the World covers the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present. Africa, China, Europe, the Americas―find out what happened all around the world in long-ago times. Designed as a read-aloud project for parents and children to share together, The Story of the World includes each continent and major people group. Volume 3: Early Modern Times is the third of a four volume series and covers the major historical events in the years 1600 to 1850, as well as including maps, illustrations, and tales from each culture.

Each Story of the World volume provides a full year of history study when combined with the Activity Book, Audiobook, and Tests―each available separately to accompany each volume of TheStory of the World Text Book. Volume 3 Grade Recommendation: Grades 3-8. Illustrated throughout with black-and-white drawings and maps

2) 영어 원서 100권 읽기 프로젝트 참여 목록 (지금까지 읽은 원서 목록 ↓ )-
※   완료 글을 작성한 다음에는 꼭 다른 분의 완료 글에도 응원의 댓글을 달아주세요! (의무!!!!!) 
      본 게시판은 장거리 마라톤으로 서로 동기부여 하며 밀고 나가지 않는다면 큰 의미가 없기에 그렇습니다.


1. 돌아다니다
2. 배회하다
3. 로밍
4. 살다
1) He closed his eyes and let his mind roam over their visit to Japan.
2) Bandits, criminal gangs, and murderers would
roam its mining camps, hills, and towns for years to come.
3) As the years passed, he continued to
roam, sometimes renting places to sleep in farmhouses.
4) Pirates
roam the seas.
= vi, vt, n, (정처없이)걸어 다니다, 돌아다니다, 거닐다, 배회하다, 돌아다님, 산책, 배회, 표랑,
1. 배반하는
2. 반역하는
3. 딴 마음을 먹은
And adventurers sail around the world on tiny wooden ships, risking starvation and treacherous seas to find strange new lands.
= a, 배반하는, 반역하는, 기대에 어긋나는, 믿을 수 없는, 의지가 안되는
1. 부양하다
2. 방어하다
3. 꾸려가다
1) This time, as they came into a shallow curve and the raft started to move straight, he waited until the raft was close to the shore and used the pole to jam into the bottom and fend off.
2) In return, Charles helped the pope to
fend off the Fury.
= vt, vi, 막다 , 저항하다(
fend off 피하다, 받아넘기다, fend for oneself 자할하다, 혼자꾸려 나가다)
1. 정향나무
2. 마늘 한 쪽
3. 양털, 치즈 등의 중량 단위
For hundreds of years, traders from Spain and other European countries had traveled east (right on your map) to India, where they bought cloves, nutmeg, and pepper.
= (나뭇결.벽개면을 따라)쪼개다, (쪼개어)틈을 내다, (새가 바람을 )헤치며 날아가다, (배.수영자가 물을)가르며 나아가다, (길을)헤치며 나아가다, (단체를 의견.이해 관계의 대립으로)분열시키다, (사람.장소를 ...으로부터)격리하다, (나뭇결을 따라)쪼개지다, 헤치고나아가다, (단체가)분열하다vi, (주의 등을)고수하다, ...에 집착하다, 굳게 결합하다, (남에게)충실히 대하다, 부착(점착)하다 ?n, v, 정향나무, 정향(꽃봉오리를 말린 향료), (백합.마늘 등의)소인경, 소구근, CLEAVE의 과거
gillyflower = x, CLOVE PINK
hitch = x, 감아매기(밧줄 매는 법의 일종)
oil = x, 정향유(양주.향미료의 원료)
pink = x, 카네이션
1. 정복자
2. 16세기에 멕시코와 페루를 정복한 스페인의 지도자들
3. 신대륙 정복자
They offered the conquistadores gold and silver ornaments.
= n, 정복자, 신대륙 정복자
1. 뒹굴다
2. 뒹굴기
3. 빠지기
And they told stories about a king called El Dorado (or, in English, the “Man of Gold”), who was so rich that he wallowed in gold dust every day.
= vi, (진창, 물 속 따위를)뒹굴다, 허위적거리다, (주색 따위에)빠지다, 탐닉하다(in), in money돈에 파묻혀 있다, 돈이 주체 못할 만큼 많다n, 뒹굶, (물소 따위가 뒹구는) 수렁
1. 석영
2. 수정
So the Spanish began to dig mines into the ground, looking for a rock called quartz that often has little lines of gold running through it.
= n, a, 석영(그 투명한 결정을 rock crystal(수정)이라함), 수정의n, 석영
clock = x, 수정시계, 정밀 전자 시계
1. 주괴
2. 잉곳
3. 금은괴
1) As Lydian-style coinage was spreading from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, China developed a slightly different monetary system, based on bronze coins and unmarked silver and gold ingots.
2) The gold melted and ran off into molds, where it hardened into coins or gold bars called
= n, vt, 주괴, 잉곳(특히)금은괴, (지금을)금괴로 만들다
1. 방관자
2. 구경꾼
“Dead slaves are buried every day in big piles,” one Spanish onlooker wrote home.
= n, 방관자
1. 호화로운
2. 대량의
3. 왕자의
Charles hired tutors to teach William princely skills: how to speak French, how to plan battles and run a country, and (most important of all) how to be a good Catholic.
= a, 왕자(왕후)의, 왕자(왕후)같은, 기품 높은, 왕자(왕후)에 어울리는, 장려한, 관대한ad, 왕자답게
1. 칭찬하다
2. 찬사
1) No matter how hard Kaira tried to sound sarcastic when she used that name, he always took it as a compliment.
2) Unfortunately, however, nobody who voted for him meant it as a
3) Leaders of the rebellion took this title as a
= n, vt, 경의, 찬사, 인사, 아첨, 따리, 경의의 표시, 영광된 일, 의례적인 인사말, 안부, 경의를 표하다, 칭찬하다, 인사말하다, 축하하다, 듣기 좋은 말을 하다, (...에게 물건을)증정하다
1. 오합지졸
2. 교반봉
3. 무질서한 군중
“Why bother with such a rabble of beggars?”
= n, vt, n, 어중이 떠중이, 오합지중, 폭도들(mob), 하층 사회(계급), 서민(천민)들, 떼(동물.곤충의), 뒤죽 박죽된것, 교반봉(제철용), 떼를 지어 습격하다(달려 들 다), 빨리 말하다, 재잘거리다, 되는 대로 일을 하다, 교반봉으로 휘젓다, ~ment 소동(오합지중등의), =RABBLE
rouse = vi, 민중을 선동하다
rouser = n, 민중 선동가
rousing = a, 민중을 선동하는
1. 섭정
2. 섭정을 맡고 있는
3. 평의원
1) If Victoria’s uncle, King William IV, died before she turned eighteen, her mother would become queen regent and rule the United Kingdom on Victoria’s behalf.
2) Mary of Guise was a good
= n, a, 섭정, (주립대학 등의)평의원, 섭정하는,
regental, ~ship
1. 싫은
2. 불쾌한
3. 일치하지 않는
1) He knew that Kreacher could not be permitted to go and live with Bellatrix Lestrange, but the idea of owning him, of having responsibility for the creature that had betrayed Sirius, was repugnant.
2) “It is a thing
repugnant to the order of nature that any woman be exalted to rule over men!”
= a, a d, 비위에 맞지 않는, 아주 싫은, 불유쾌한, 증오하는, 모순된, 일치(조화)하지 않는, 반항(반대)하는, 반감을 가진, 적의를 품은(hostile), ~ly
1. 고귀한
2. 지위가 높은
3. 의기양양한
“It is a thing repugnant to the order of nature that any woman be exalted to rule over men!”
= vt, (신분, 관직, 품위, 명예따위를)높이다, 의기 양양하게 만들다, 치살리다, (빛깔을)짙게 하다?a, 지위(신분)가 높은, 고귀한, 고양된, 고상한, 숭고한, 기뻐 날뛰는
도중에서 억제된1) “Zero almost strangled Ricky.”
2) he asked in a
strangled voice.
3) His voice was a
strangled whisper.
4) He had been
= vt, 교살하다, 질식시키다, 억압(묵살)하다
1. 비계
2. 교수대
3. 발판
On a cold February morning, Mary walked to the scaffold.
= n, 비계, 교수대, (야외의)관객석
1. 영국 성공회파 사람
2. 그 제도·교리의 지지자
3. 영국 성공회(파)의
4. (미) English
English Protestants, called Anglicans, hoped that James would stick to the Protestant beliefs he had learned in Scotland.
= n, 영국 국교회의, 성공회의
church = x, =church of england
1. 흐트러진
2. 단정치 못한
3. 헝클어진
4. 난잡한
5. 빗질하지 않은
1) The blue eyes looked huge in her face, and the curls looked slightly disheveled.
2) The sight, therefore, of Fudge stepping out of the fire once more, looking disheveled and fretful and sternly surprised that the Prime Minister did not know exactly why he was there, was about the worst thing that had happened in the course of this extremely gloomy week.
3) He stared at the muddy, disheveled Englishman for a long time.
= vt, (머리카락을)부수수하게 늘어뜨리다, (물건을)난잡하게 하다?a, 헝클어진, 주제가 단정치 못한
1. 항해
2. 배
3. 돛
4. 출항하다
1) They had to memorize the dozens of different ropes and lines they used to raise and lower the sails.
2) Rain froze into sheets of ice on the decks and
= n, 돛, 돛배, , ...척의 배, 범주, 항정, 범주력, (풍차의)날개, in ~ 범선을 타고
1. 반란
2. 폭동
3. 항명
When his crew and his first mate, Robert Juet, realized that they weren’t headed home, they threatened to mutiny.
= n, 반란, 폭동, 반항, 반란을 일으키다, 반항하다
1. 뿌리다
2. 물을 주다
1) They responded, “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will obey.”p 8Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the peopleq and said, “This is the blood of the covenantr that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.”
2) The worms didn’t show because everything was covered with tomato sauce and
sprinkled with cheese.
3) We
sprinkled our leaves with shiny glitter.
4) They grew so hungry that they ate bird bones and the ship’s candles,
sprinkled with salt and vinegar.
= n, vt, (물, 재 따위를)끼얹다, 붓다, 뿌리다, 물을 뿌리다, 비가 뿌리다, 흩뿌림, 부슬비, 살수, (비 따위가)뿌림, 조금, 드문드문함
1. 판매원
2. 행상인
3. 퍼뜨리는 사람
He was a peddler who made his living walking from place to place, selling goods.
= n, 행상인, 도붓장수, 밀매인, (소문 등을)받아 옮기는 사람
s Frencheh = x, 도둑들의 은어, 뜻을 알 수 없는 빠른 말
1. 비틀거리다
2. 말을 더듬다
3. 중얼거리다
Against the combined Chinese and Korean forces, Hideyoshi’s army began to falter.
= vi, vt, n, 비틀거리다, 말을 더듬다, 머뭇거리다, 우물우물 말하다, 비틀거림, 머뭇거림, 더듬음
1. 분리주의자
2. 탈퇴자
3. 정교 분리주의자
Other Englishmen called them Separatists.
= n, 분리주의자, 이탈(탈퇴)자(국교회로부터의)부리파
1. 네덜란드어
2. 잘못하다
3. (미 속어·영 고어) 독일어
4. (d-) (미 속어) 고르게 돈을 걸다 (예전의 방법으로, 어떤 말이 이기면 건 총액보다 많은 돈이 들어 왔음)
5. 네덜란드인
1) The Dutch were the friendliest people Tracy had ever met.
2) Yet within eighty years the
Dutch had not only secured their independence from Spain, but had managed to replace the Spaniards and their Portuguese allies as masters of the ocean highways, build a global Dutch empire, and become the richest state in Europe.
3) But in Leiden, little John Bradford and the other
Separatist children learned to speak Dutch.
= a, n, 네덜란드의, 네덜란드 말, 각자 부담으로 하다, 네델란드 사람
위험한1) Because to them, the world is a perilous place that is overflowing with enemies.
2) That’s exactly why the world can become a
perilous place at any time, and it’s always possible to see everyone as one’s enemies.
3) They knew that the new colony would be a
perilous place to live.
= a, 위험한
1. 순례자
2. 청교도
Today, we often borrow Bradford’s name and call the whole group of settlers, Strangers and Saints alike, the Pilgrims.
= n, 순례자, 방랑, 여행, Pilgrim Fathers의 한 사람
Fathers = x, 1620년 Mayflower호를 타고
Plymouth에 건너온 영국 청교도단
fathers = x, 영국 청교도단
1. 피하다
2. 회피하다
3. 막다
4. 방지
5. 모면
1) She turned to explain that to Perry Pope, but his eyes were averted.
2) Starvation was
= vt, 돌리다, 피하다, 막다
1. 잉글랜드 남서부의 항구 도시
2. 미국 Massachusetts 주 동남부의 항구 도시
But the young colony, which the English named Plymouth Plantation, was still a risky place to live.
= n, 영국 남서부의 군항, 미국 메사추세츠주의 도시
1. 나머지
2. 자투리
3. 유물
1) He pulled the torn remnants of his windbreaker, pieces really, around his shoulders and tried to hold what heat his body could find.
2) They are the
remnants of conceptual selves that ceased to die.
3) But some
remnants of New Amsterdam remain.
= n, a, 나머지, 잔여, 찌꺼기, 지스러기, 자투리, 잔존물, 유물, 자취(relic), 나머지 (물건)의
고용 계약을 맺은Many Americans who began as indentured servants later became wealthy, important citizens.
= n, vt, (두통으로 만들어서 날인한)계약서, 증서, 도제계약 문서, 새김눈을 붙임, 톱니모양으로 만듦, (고용을)계약서로써 정하다, 기한부 도제로 넣다
1. 수행원
2. 일행
3. 수행단
1) He was grateful that the prince and his retinue had been diverted until the mess could be cleaned up.
2) So she dressed in her royal robes, collected a
retinue of servants, and journeyed to the town where the Portuguese leaders had set up their headquarters.
= n, (왕후.귀족.고관의)종자, 수행원
창밖으로 내던지기Later, it became known as the Defenestration of Prague; fenestra is the Latin word for window, so defenestration is a fancy way to say “throwing someone out of a window.”
= n, (사람, 물건을)창밖으로 내던지기
1. 한계
2. 밧줄로 매다
3. 범위
“It is better,” the Swedish noblemen announced, “that we tether our horses to the enemy’s fence, than he to ours.”
= n, vt, (소.말의) 매는 사슬(밧줄)(로 매다), 한계, 범위, at the end of one's ~ 갖은 수가 다하여, 궁지에 빠져
1. 대중
2. 민중
3. 서민
Soldiers roamed through the country, searching for food and robbing the starving populace.
= n, 서민, 대중, 하층 계급
1. 쪼개지다
2. 분열한
3. 스플린터
4. 파편
5. 흩어지다
The kingdom of Germany was so splintered that it no longer existed!
= n, vt, 지저깨비, 파편, 쪼개(지)다, 찢(기)다, 깎이다, 분리된
group = n, 분파, 소수파
1. 예수회의 수사(修士)
2. 예수회 수사의
3. (경멸) 책략가
4. 음흉한
1) I'm a Jesuit, and I have a doctorate in psychology.
2) The
Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier wrote to his companions that one daimyo had driven him away, afraid “that if he allowed his people to embrace the Christian religion, his whole dominion would be destroyed, and the ancestral gods of the country...would come to be despised by the natives.”
= n, (LOYOLA가 창설한)예수회의 수사, 책략가, 궤변가
1. 주모자
2. 우두머리
3. 두목
They crushed the rebellions, executed the ringleaders, and forced their subjects to shave.
= n, 주모자, 두목, 장본인
수선화A huge garden in front of the tomb was planted with tulips and daffodils.
= n, 나팔수선화
1. 웅장한 무덤
2. 능묘
3. 능
A red mosque was built on either side of the mausoleum, so that the Muslims of India could worship there.
= n, 영묘, 능, 장려한 무덤, 음침하고 큰 건물(방)
1. 과목
2. 주제
3. 대상
4. 주어
5. 국민
For many years, the Moghul emperors allowed their Hindu subjects to worship in their own way.
= a, 지배를 받는, 종속하는(to), 받는ad, , ...을 조건으로(하여), ...이라 가정하여n, 권력(지배)하에 있는 사람, 국민, 신하, 주제, 피실험자, ...질의 사람vt, 복종시키다(to), 제시하다, 맡기다(to)
matter = x, 주제, 내용
[hərǽs, hǽrəs]
1. 괴롭히다
2. …을 침략하다
3. 성가시게하다
1) She created fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that she used to harass me as well as people close to me.
2) And the Marathas kept right on sending little bands of guerrilla warriors (soldiers who fight in sneak attacks and from under cover, rather than in an organized army) to
harass the Moghul officials and soldiers.
= vt, 괴롭히다
1. 소란
2. 혼란
3. 소동
1) Tracy’s mind was too filled with turmoil.
2) And all around him, Confucius saw war and
3) Chapter Twelve Battle, Fire, and Plague in England Charles Loses His Head While the English were building trading posts in India, England itself was in
= n, 혼란, 소동
1. 신도
2. 회중
3. 집회
4. 교구
In one Scottish church, the minister had to bring two loaded pistols with him and point them at the congregation while he read the English prayer book!
= n, 모임, 회합, 회중, 집회, (Oxford대학등의)교직원회, (광야를 헤매던 때의)이스라엘 사람들, 유대민족, 성성(교황청의 상임 위원회)
1. 말다툼하다
2. 언쟁
3. 언쟁하다
But as time went on, the Long Parliament started to bicker with itself instead.
= n, vi, 말다툼, 반짝거림, 후드득거림-말다툼하다, (비가)후드득 떨어지다
1. 열렬한
2. 뜨거운
3. 강렬한
This New Model Army was commanded by the most fervent Puritan of all, Oliver Cromwell.
= a, 뜨거운, 강렬한, 열렬한
1. 국회
2. 의회
3. 하원
4. 모임
The Long Parliament itself wasn’t sure what to do with Charles.
= n, 의회, 국회, 영국 의회
Act = x, 의회법
1. 엉덩이
2. 둔부
3. 잔류파
This “purified” Parliament became known as the Rump Parliament, because only part of it was left!
= a, (네발 짐승의)궁둥이, 둔부, (소의)우둔(살), (익살)(사람의)엉덩이, 남은 것, 잔당, 잔류파, =RUMP PARLIAMENT
Parliament = x, (the~)잔부의회(Long Parliament의 일부로 구성된 의회, 1648-1653, 1659-60)
steak = x, 우둔(살)비프스테이크
1. 보호 관계
2. 섭정 정치
3. 보호국
Cromwell’s Protectorate Now that the king was dead, England was no longer a monarchy (a country ruled by a king or queen).
= n, 보호국
1. 충실도
2. 엄수
3. 충성
4. 품질
Now that Parliament had been dissolved by force, Cromwell and his army generals appointed a new Parliament, made up of 139 men “fearing God and of approved fidelity and honesty.”
= n, 충실, (약속의)엄수, (묘사의)정확함, 충실도(high
fidelity 고충실도)
insurance = x, 신용 보험
1. 여자의 침실
2. 여자용 거실
3. 여성의 내실
The queen was writing letters in her boudoir.
= n, 부인의침실
1. 재난
2. 불행
3. 참화
1) When calamity strikes an entire region, worldwide relief efforts are usually successful in preventing the worst.
2) In a letter to his son, he wrote, “Letting your people lay down the law to you is the worst
calamity that a man of our rank can suffer....
= n, 재난, 불행(misfortune), 참화(misery)
howler = x, 불길한 예언을 하는 사람, 비관론자
Jane = x, 칼래미티 제인(1852?-1903)(미국 개척 시대의 여자 사격의 명수 Martha Jane Burke의 별명
1. 베르사유
2. 루이 14세가 짓게 한 궁전의 소재지
The Duc de Simon, who lived at Versailles for many years, wrote that Louis also encouraged his noblemen to spend money, in order to make them more loyal.
= n, 베르사이유(파리 근교의 도시)
1. 풍부
2. 풍부함
3. 사치
1) A profusion of early sites is also documented for the much older colonization of Europe by anatomically modern humans, and for the occupation of Australia / New Guinea.
2) “[The king] loved splendour, magnificence, and
profusion in all things,” the Duc remarked, “and encouraged similar tastes in his Court; to spend money freely on...feasting and at cards, was a sure way to gain his favour, perhaps to obtain the honour of a word from him....
= n, 대량, 풍부, 활수, 낭비
1. 괴저
2. 괴저에 걸리게 하다
3. 탈저
1) The gangrene spread through the Lionheart’s body and no one could help the king.
2) In just a few days, Louis was suffering from
= n, vi, vt, 회지(가 되다, 되게하다)
1. 아낌없이 주다
2. 낭비하는
3. 사치스러운
He had made himself powerful by forcing the common people of France to pay heavy taxes to support his wars and his lavish palaces.
= vt, 아낌없이주다, 낭비하다a, 손이 큰, 낭비적인, 풍부한
[ərístəkrӕt, ǽrəs-]
1. 귀족
2. 귀족 정치주의자
3. 귀족 정치론자
French peasants and craftsmen had labored for decades to build Versailles; one French aristocrat remarked that the hard work and swampy climate was so bad for the workmen that dead bodies of peasants had to be removed every morning.
= n, 귀족
1. 상세히 말하다
2. 정교한
3. 설명하다
4. 정성들인
5. 최선의
He spent enormous amounts of money on feasts and elaborate ceremonies.
= a, vt, 공들인, 면밀한, 힘들인, 애써서 만들어내다, 퇴고하다, 정성들여, 면밀하게
1. 이로쿼이족
2. 이로쿼이 어족
The Iroquois are attacking!”
= n, 이로쿼이족(의 사람)(new york주에 살았던 아메리칸 인디언), 이로쿼이말
1. 도랑
2. …에 주름살 지게 하다
Seeds will drop out of the boxes, called seed hoppers, and fall into the furrows.
= n, vt, vi, 밭고랑, 보습자리, 항적, 주름살, 쟁기로 갈다, 두둑을 짓다, 주물살이 생기게 하다, 이랑을 짓다, 주름살이 지다
1. 부셸
2. 곡물·과일 등의 중량 단위
3. 고치다
1) And the harvest was a big one—close to two hundred bushels per acre.
2) Johnny usually collected a couple of
bushels of them from the mills.
3) Protected from the sun and from scaven
ging birds, fertilized by the rich earth where turnips were planted the year before, William’s wheat crop will yield bushels and bushels of grain.
= n, vt, vi, 부쉘단위, 미국에서는 1, 95말, 영국에서는 2, 01말)부셀 되
1. 단호한
2. 비길 데 없이 견고한 것
3. 매우 단단한
1) Yet Jeff was adamant about supporting the system.
2) PHILOSOPHER: Well, in response, I’d ask why you are so
adamant that people can’t change.
3) He was
4) But Peter was
= a, n, 대단히 단단한, 의지가 견고한
총검He drafted more soldiers for his army and taught them to fight with both guns and bayonets.
= n, (프랑스의 제작지명에서)총검, 무력, 총검무장병n, vt, 총검, 무력
1. 주무르다
2. 반죽하다
3. 개다
One baker kneaded the dough, while the other stoked the oven.
= vt, 반죽하다, 안마하다
1. …의 방향을 바꾸다
2. 바뀌다
3. 방향이 바뀌다
He veers inland to show you one more successful Chinese conquest: the country of Korea, now paying tribute to the emperor.
= vi, (바람의) 방향이 바뀌다, 도서다, 방향이 바뀌다, (의견 따위가)바뀌다(round), ~ and haul (밧줄을)늦추었다 당겼다 하다, (풍향이)번갈아 바뀌다n, 방향 전환
1. 당밀
2. 당액
3. 보기 좋은 차
Now, Americans had to pay extra money for all sugar and molasses that came into American ports—unless the sugar came from Britain.
= n, 당밀
1. 폐지
2. 폐지하다
3. 무효로 하다
George III’s repeal of a few taxes didn’t do any good—because Parliament insisted that the tax on tea remain.
= vt, n, a, (법률등을)무효로하다, 폐지(폐기.철회)하다, (법률의)폐지, 폐기, 취소, 철회, 영국.아일랜드 합병 철회 운동, ~er 폐지론자, 영국.아일랜드 합병 철회론자, ~able
[déligət , -gèit]
1. 대표
2. 대의원
3. 위임하다
4. 사절
The delegates had decided that nine states would have to agree to accept, or ratify, the Constitution.
= n, 대표자, 사절, 위임하다
1. 비준하다
2. 통과
3. 승인하다
4. 검토
5. 확인
The delegates had decided that nine states would have to agree to accept, or ratify, the Constitution.
= vt, 비준하다, 재가하다, 실증하다
1. 재무부
2. 국채
3. 금고주
4. 재정
Alexander Hamilton became Secretary of the Treasury.
= n, 보고, 보물, 국고, 기금, 자금n, 보고, 보물광, 국고(공공 단체의)금고, 자금, 기금, 재무성, (지식의)보전, 사화집, 산 사전(사람)
bill = x, 재무성 증권
Board = x, 국가 재정 위원회
Department = x, 재무성
note = x, 1파운드 지폐, 10 실링 지폐, 재무성 증권
Attorney General
1. 법무 장관
2. 사법 장관
3. 주 최고 법무관
Washington also chose a secretary of war to take care of the army and navy, and an attorney general who would help him understand and follow the Supreme Court’s decisions.
= x, 법무장관
노력When the Endeavour was ready, Cook and his crew set off.
[trǽnsit, -zit]
1. 운송
2. 통과
3. 이동시키다
4. 연결되다
He put all of his astronomical equipment on this post and waited for the transit.
= n, 통과, 통행, 운송, 통로, 자오선 통과, 경과, 변천vt, 횡단하다, ...을 통과하다
duty = x, 통행세
instrument = x, 자오의, 전경의, 트랜싯
visa = x, 통과 사증
1. 전설적인
2. 허구의
3. 꾸며낸 이야기의
So on his third voyage, he set off on a different mission: to look one last time for the Northwest Passage, that fabled path through North America that would lead to China.
= a, 이야기(전설)로 유명한, 전설적인, 꾸며낸 이야기의, 허구의
1. 노후선의 선체
2. 주체스러운 큰 배
3. 큼직한 모습으로 느릿느릿 나타나다
Thousands of prisoners died in the hulks.
= n, 노후선, 폐함, 멋없이 큰배
1. 먹어치우다
2. 집어삼키다
3. 잡아먹다
But the first governor of the Australian prison colony, Arthur Phillip, didn’t intend to let the men and women on his eleven ships be massacred or devoured.
= vt, 개걸스럽게 먹다(먹어치우다), 멸망시키다, 탐독하다
1. 유죄를 선고하다
2. 죄수
3. …혐의로 기소하다
4. 입증하다
So Arthur Phillip made some of the convicts themselves into colony leaders.
= vt, n, 유죄를 입증(선고)하다, 죄인, 죄수, 기결수
colony = x, 유형수 식민지
system = x, 징역(유형)제도
1. 팔아치우다
2. …을 훔치다
3. 채찍질하여 나아가게 하다
Phillip, afraid that all the food would disappear, ordered the offenders flogged.
= vt, 세게 때리다, 매질하다, 채찍질하다
1. 공유지의 무단 거주자
2. 물 속을 철버덕거리며 나아가다
3. 웅크리는 사람
Squatters could make good money sending wool to London to sell!
= n, vt, vi, 웅크리다, 쭈그리다, 펄썩 앉다, 공유지에 무단히 거주하다, 웅크리기, 쭈린 자세?n, 땅딸막한 사람
1. 허수아비
2. 허깨비
3. 초라한 사람
They looked, he said, like scarecrows.
= n, 허수아비, 넝마를 걸친 사람, 말라깽이
1. 단두대
2. …의 목을 기요틴으로 자르다
3. 기요틴
He was marched to the town square at the center of Paris, where the guillotine, a sharp blade that dropped down on the necks of its victims, waited.
= n, vt, 길로틴, 단두대, 토론 종결, 길로틴으로 목을 자르다
1. 궁정에 출사하는 조신
2. 알랑쇠
3. 아첨꾼
He was rude to the servants and courtiers.
= n, 조신, 알랑쇠
1. 약혼자
2. 약혼한
3. 약혼자의
Too afraid to refuse, Catherine agreed to convert to the Russian Orthodox Church and to be betrothed to Peter.
= vt, 약혼하다, 약혼?a, 약혼자의, 약혼한(engaged)
1. 끔찍한
2. 가증스러운
“He had become hideous,” Catherine wrote in her diary.
= a, 끔찍한, 섬뜩한, 오싹해지는, 무서운
1. 망명
2. 추방
3. 도피
Peter insulted her in public and threatened to send her into exile.
= n, vt, 망명, 유형, 국외추방, 망명자, 유랑자, 유형자, 추방인, 추방하다, 유형에 처하다
1. 프러시아의
2. 프러시아인
3. 레트족
Peter had always loved the Prussian army.
= n, a, 프러시아 사람(의), 프로이센 식의 훈련(규율)이 엄격한
blue = x, 감청
brown = x, 감청에서 얻은 갈색 안료
1. 넥타이
2. 크라바트
3. 삼각근
The body had a large cravat wrapped around its throat so that no one could see it.
= n, 넥타이, 크러뱃(17세기경 남성이 목에 감은 스카프 모양의 neckcloth), 삼각건
큰소리로 울다Now steam could be used to run machines—mills for grinding grain, engines to pull plows and heavy loads, bellows, water pumps, even ships!
= vi, vt, n, 울다, 고함을 지르다-(황소의)우는 소리, 노한 목소리
1. 진
2. 조면기
Over in America, it would soon run a new kind of machine: the cotton gin.
= n, 진(증류주의 일종)n, vt, 기중기, 씨아(로 씨를 빼다), 덫(으로잡다)x, =BEGIN
and tonic = x, 진토닉
block = x, 일륜 활차
fizz = x, 진피즈(탄산수, 레몬을 탄 진)
mill = x, 싸구려 술집x, (싸구려)술집
palace = x, 화려하게 꾸민 싸구려 술집
rummy = x, 진러미(가지고 있는 패의 합계가 10점 혹은 그 이하일때 그 가진 패를 보이는 카드놀이의 일종)
sling = x, 진에 설탕, 향료, 얼음을 넣은 청량 음료
1. 몽고 유목민의 천막식 집
2. 천막집
Without his goods, Macartney pressed on to the yurt.
= n, 이동용 천막(가죽, 펠트로 씌움)
1. 아첨하다
2. 고두의 예
3. 고두의 예를 올리다
Macartney had known that he would be expected to kowtow.
= n, vi, 고두(하다)
1. 북경
2. 베이징
He handed over the official letter from George III and explained that Britain wanted to send an ambassador to China to live in Peking.
= n, 북경, 베이징
man = x, 북경원인, 유골이 북경 부근에서 발견됨
1. 아편
2. 마비시키는 것
3. 아편 같은 것
Opium was a drug made from poppy juice, pressed into tablets or stirred into syrup.
= n, 아편, ~ism n, 아편중독
den = x, 아편굴
eater = x, 아편쟁이
poppy = x, 양귀비
smoker = x, 아편쟁이
War = x, (영국, 청나라간의) 아편전쟁
1. 치명적인
2. 유해한
3. 사악한
But even while he sent opium to China, he wrote to other Englishmen that opium was a “pernicious” drug which should be made illegal in India.
= a, 유해한, 치명적인, 파괴적인
anemia = x, 악성 빈혈
1. 러다이트
2. 산업 개혁 반대자
3. 컴퓨터에 의한 기술 혁신을 반대하는 사람
They became known as Luddites.
= n, 러다이트(영국의 산업혁명 당시(1811-16)실직을 염려하여 기계파괴 둔동을 반대하는 사람)
1. 크리올
2. 크레올
He is a creole, a Spaniard born in the colonies, and those jobs are given only to peninsulares—natives of Spain itself.
= 크리올 사람, 서인도제도, Mauritius섬, 남아메리카등에 이주한 백인(특히 스페인 사람)의 자손, (미국 Louisiana주의)프랑스계 이민의 자손, 크리올과 흑인과의 혼혈아, (서인도.아메리카 대륙 태생의)흑인, 크리올말, 크리올 요리, 크리올의, (서인도 제도 등에서 나는)외래종의(동식물), (요리가)크리올풍의(토마토.양파.고추 등을 사용)
State = x, 미국 Louisiana주의 속칭
1. 가냘픈
2. 가늘고 긴
3. 호리호리한
“Grow the best grapes in all of New Spain,” he would tell a spindly little plant.
= a, 껑충한
1. 폐지하다
2. 없애다
3. 철폐하다
1) He abolished French passports in 1860.5 France was not alone.
2) That’s the question that
abolitionists—men and women who wanted slavery abolished, or made illegal—asked.
= vt, a, n, 폐지하다, 철폐하다(~.a.ble, ~ment)
1. 곤경
2. 역경
3. …을 맹세하다
Their members wrote accounts of slavery and published them, so that no one in England could claim that they did not know about the plight of the slaves.
= n, vt, 서약, 서약하다(
plight one's troth 서약하다)n, 상태, 곤경
폐지론자Abolitionists in the United States had an even harder job in front of them.
1. 파악하다
2. 격투하다
3. 잡아거는 갈고리
Shaka ordered them to fight with short stabbing spears instead, so that they would have to grapple with the enemy face to face.
= vt, 꽉 쥐다(잡다), 붙잡다vi, (갈고리로)고정하다, 맞붙어 싸우다, 접전하다n, 드잡이, 격투
graound = x, 투묘지, 정박지
1. 작은 접전
2. 소전투
3. 작은 접전을 벌이다
After years of skirmishing with the Dutch, occupying Cape Colony, giving it back, and then taking it again, the British finally claimed the colony for good in 1820.
= n, vi, 작은 충돌(을 하다)
1. 반란
2. 폭동
3. 반역
Gray wrote Turner’s story down and published it as The Confessions of Nat Turner, Leader of the late Insurrection in Southhampton, Virginia.
= n, 폭동, 봉기, 반란(cf.REBELLION)
[kǽntən, -tan]
1. 주
2. 광둥
3. …을 구분하다
His “opium clippers” didn’t just sail into Canton.
= n, 광둥(중국 동남부의 도시)
= n, vt, a,
crepe = x, 광둥 크레이프
flannel = x, 광둥플란넬(cotton flannel)
1. 화기
2. 소형 화기
3. 소화기
Chinese soldiers, thousands of them, stood on every roof, aiming ancient firearms into the harbor, directly at the merchants down below.
= n, 화기, 소화기
1. 기지
2. 부대
3. 수비대
4. 주둔하다
5. 배치하다
They started to collect weapons together and to form little garrisons (gatherings of armed men) all over Texans.
= n, vt, 수비대(를 두다), 요새지(로서 수비하다)
artillery = x, 요새 포병
cap = x, 약모
decree = x, 위수령
state = x, 군국
town = x, 위수 도시, 수비대 주둔 도시
1. 변경 개척자
2. 변경의 주민
Davy Crockett, a Tennessee frontiersman who had fought against the Creek Indians, came down to help out too.
= n, 변경의 주민, 개척자 정신
1. …을 투표에서 이기다
2. …을 표수에서 능가하다
Lincoln and other protestors were outvoted.
= vt, 표수로 ...에게 이기다
[ənéks ǽneks|ənéks]
1. 병합하다
2. 부가물
3. 합병하다
1) The farm had been her father’s, and she ran it well, and had eventually annexed it to her brother’s land after he died.
2) Chapter Forty-One New Zealand and Her Rulers The Treaty of Waitangi The United States had
annexed (taken for itself) land that had once belonged to France, Spain, and Mexico.
= vt, n, 부가하다, 추가하다, (영토 따위를)병합하다, 착복하다, 추가물 부록, 중축
1. 게임
2. 경기
3. 시합
4. 사냥감
But now the tribes could trade game, sweet potatoes, and other food to the pakehas in exchange for guns.
[Definition] 사냥감
= n, 유희, 오락, 농담, 경기, 한판, 승부의 점수, 경기회, 책략, The same old ~! 또 그 수법이군a, 투지에 찬, 용감한, 자진해서 ~하는(for, to do), die ~ 용감히 싸우다 죽다, 끝까지 버티다vt, vi, 내기하다, 내기에 잃다a, = LAME (his ~ leg)
1. 제재소
2. 제재용 톱
1) In 1964 I met a 50-year-old Chimbu man, unable to read, wearing a traditional grass skirt, and born into a society still using stone tools, who had become rich by growing coffee, used his profits to buy a sawmill for $100,000 cash, and bought a fleet of trucks to transport his coffee and timber to market.
2) A businessman named John Sutter had hired him to build a
sawmill on the American River, in the Sacramento Valley.
= n, 제재소
1. 수문
2. 봇물
3. 둑
1) They had gotten trapped in the sluice gate of the dam.
2) Marshall tested the
sluice gates, watching water run beneath them.
= n, vi, 수문, 봇물, 분류, 수문을 열고 흘려 보내다, ...에 물을 끼얹다, (감흙을)유수로 이다, (통나무를)물에 띄워 보내다
gate = x, 수문
황철광If it shattered when struck, it was more likely to be iron pyrite.
1. 비참한
2. 비열한
1) “If truth be told, he was a tad unwise to make a public statement without clearing it with his Head of Department first —” “Don’t you dare blame your father for what that wretched Skeeter woman wrote!”
2) So the questions here, then, are why do you feel so
3) The
wretched birthday party at the home would start at three o’clock, and that was in twelve minutes.
4) In Russia, millions of hungry peasants cast
wretched eyes on the lavish palaces of the czar and wished for food.
= a, ad, n, 불운한, 나쁜, 지독한, ~ly , ~ness

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    마녀상점 2020.03.20 09:54
    갠적으로 설민석강사의 한국사 좋아하는데,, 세계사도 그런 느낌이겠죠~ 근데 이거 이북파일로 보시는 건가요?
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    제프베조스 2020.03.20 12:32
    ebook 파일로 보고 있습니다. 잉하에서 받은거 같은데요.. ^^
    댓글달리면.. 제프워즈 한번 보고 가는데... 분량이 장난 아니네요 ㅋㅋ 감사합니다. 한번 외우게 해줘서 ㅋ
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    마녀상점 2020.03.20 13:11
    헐. . 또 보게 만들었네요ㅎㅎ 저도 다운 받아야겠어요 정보 감사합니다~
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    이삭이 2020.03.20 20:48
    역시 끝내셨군요. 거기다 제프워즈까지. 늘 멋지십니다.
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    제프베조스 2020.03.20 21:44
    이삭이님도... 이거 보고 계시니.. 도움이 되겠네요.. ^^ ㅎ 덕분에 한번 더 외우고 갑니다. 감사합니다.
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    windgirl 2020.03.22 07:04
    저도 제프베조스님의 일편 후기글을 보고 강추하신다기에 읽기 시작한게 놓을수가 없어 이제 1권 다 읽어 갑니다ㅋ 어서 빨리 다음권도 읽어보고 싶네요. 단어정리도 감사합니다.!
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    제프베조스 2020.03.23 19:30
    으흐흐 잼나죠??? 전 어제 4권 읽다가... 출근 못할뻔 했어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 초저녁에 잠깐 졸았더니.... 잠이 안와서.. 새벽 3시까지 읽었다는 ㅡㅡ;;;; 아... 물론 읽기시작한건... 새벽 2시라는건 함정 ㅡㅡ;;; ㅋ
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    푸른바다 2020.03.23 16:19
    100세 노인 읽으면서 제가 역사에 약하다는 걸 다시 한번 느꼈기 때문에 이 시리즈도 읽어보고 싶어져요. 다들 재미나다고 하셔서 더더 읽어보고 싶어지네요~ ㅎㅎ
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    제프베조스 2020.03.23 19:32
    총균쇠, 사피엔스, 등등... 읽다가 100세 노인 딱 읽는순간... 아~~ 이건 유럽역사랑 러시아 역사 알아야 잼나겠다는 생각이 들어서... 바로 history 잡았는데... 이게 독인지 약인지 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 1권에 한달씩 걸리네요 ㅋ 덕분에 제 단어장 한번 더 들여다 봤네요... 암튼 이책은 강추~!!!! 재독으로 전 올릴려구요... 이거 오됴북이 있으면 좋으련만... 제공이 안되네요 ㅡㅜ

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