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참여 구분 200권목표
완료권수 146권째
원서제목 The Zack Files #26. Me and My Mummy
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각오 한마디(짧게) 갈 수 있을 때 열심히 가보기!

1) 총평 (완독 소감 + 간단한 원서 리뷰 포함)

아파트 지하창고에 가가 된 잭은 콘트라베이스 악기의 케이스를 발견하고 뚜껑을 여는데, 악기 케이스가 아니라 사실은 미이라의 케이스였고 꿈틀거리는 미이라를 발견하고 비명을 지르며 올라갑니다.
아빠에게 얘기하고 다시 지하실로 내려가 봤으나 미이라가 없어 안심을 하고 올라와서 자는데 한참 자다가 깨보니 침대 끝족에 붕대를 칭칭감은 미이라가 서있는 것이었습니다...

2) 영어 원서 750권 읽기 프로젝트 참여 목록 (지금까지 읽은 원서 목록 ↓ )-

601. The Wrong Kind of Bark (Red Bananas)

602. SpongeBob Squarepants Reader's Book #4. Camp SpongeBob

603. SpongeBob SquarePants: Reader's Book #5. UFO!

604. A Dog Called Whatnot (Red Bananas)

605. Great Migrations (ORD-5)

606. Homes Around the World (ORD-5)

607. SpongBob Squarepants: Reader's Book #6. Hoedown Showdown

608. Whatnot Takes Charge (Red Bananas)

609. SpongeBob Squarepants: Reader's Book #7. SpongeBob Rocks!

610. Dragon Boy (Red Bananas)
611. Transportation Then and Now (ORD-5)

612. SpongeBob Squarepants: Reader’s Book #8. SpongeBob Lovepants

613. Press Play (Red Bananas)

614. Wild Weather (ORD-5)

615. SpongeBob Squarepants: Reader’s Book #9. Just Say “Please!”

616. Little Fred Riding Hood (Red Bananas)

617. The Surprise PARTY (Red Bananas)

618. The Totem Pole (Red Bananas)

619. My Brother Bernadette (Red Bananas)

620. SpongeBob Squarepants: Reader's Book #10. Man Sponge Saves the Day

621. The Quick Brown Fox Cub (Red Bananas)

622. Conker (Red Bananas)

623. Storm( Yellow Bananas)

624. Spinderella (Blue Bananas)

625. All about Space (ORD-6)

626. SpongeBob Squarepants: Chapter Book #1. Tea at the Treedome

627. The Football Ghosts (Red Bananas)

628. SpongeBob Squarepants: Chapter Book #2. Naughty Nautical Neighbors

629. The Zack Files #1. Great-Grandpa's in the Litter Box

630. SpongeBob Squarepants: Chapter Book #3. Hall Monitor

631. The Zack Files #2. Through the Medicine Cabinet

632. Caring for Our Plannet (ORD-6)

633. The Zack Files #3. A ghost Named Wanda

634. SpongeBob Squarepants #5. SpongeBob Superstar

635. Clothes Then and Now (ORD-6)

636. The Zack Files #4. ZAP! I'm a mind Reader

637. SpongeBob Squarepants #6. Sandy's Rocket

638. SpongeBobSquarepants #7. SpongeBob Naturepants

639. The Zack Files #5. Dr. Jekyll, Orthodontist

640. Food Around the World (ORD-6)

641.Doors to a Wider Place (OBL-4)

642. SpongeBob Squarepants #9. New Student Starfish
643. The Zack Files #6. I'm Out of My Body...Please Leave a Message

644. Ivy + Bean #2. And the Ghost that had to go

645. Your amazing Body (ORD-6)

646. The Zack Files #7. Never Trust a Cat Who Wears Earrings

647. SpongeBob Squarepants #12. For the Love of Bubbles

648. Ivy + Bean #3. Break The Fossil Record

649. The Zack Files #8. My Son, the Time Traveller

650. SpongeBob Squarepants #13. Where’s Gary?

651. Ivy + Bean #4. Take Care of the Babysitter

652. The Zack Files #9. The Volcano Goddess Will See You Now

653. Ivy+Bean #5. Bound to Be Bad

654. The Zack Files #10. Bozo the Clone

655. Curious George Cleans Up
656. Curious George Takes a Trip
657. Curious Geo7rge Pinata Party
658. Curious Geoge Plants a Seed
659. Curious George The Dog Show
660. Curious George The perfect Carrot
661. Curious George Finds a Friend
662. Curious George Snowy Day
663. Curious George Goes Bowling
664. Curious George The Donut Delivery
665. Curious George Up, Up, and Away
666. Curious George Lost and Found
667. Curious George Circus Act
668. Curious George Rain or Shine
669. Curious George Plumber’s Helper
670. Curious George Builds a Home
671. Curious George Tadpole Trouble
672. Curious George The Surprise Gift

673. Curious George: Race Day
674. Curious George: A Winter's Nap
675. Curious George: Plays Mini Golf
676. Curious George: Dinosaur tracks
677. Curious George: The Kite
678. Curious George: The Boat Show
679. Curious George: Roller Coaster

680. The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV
681. The Berenstain Bears Trouble At School
682. The Berenstain Bears and BabyMakes Five
683. The Berenstain Bears and the HomeWork Hassle
684. The Berenstain Bears Report Card Trouble

685. SpongeBob Squarepants: Reader's Book #2. Special Delivery!

686. The Zack Files #11. How to Speak Dolphin in Three Easy Lessons

687. seriously SILLY stories: #1. BILLY BEAST Laurence Anholt Arthur Robins

688. seriously SILLY stories: #2. CINDERBOY

689.seriously SILLY stories: #3. DAFT JACK and the BEAN STACK

690.seriously SILLY stories: #4. ECO-WOLF and the THREE PIGS

691.seriously SILLY stories: #5. GHOSTYSHOCKS and the THREE SCARES

692.seriously SILLY stories: #6. LITTLE RED RIDING WOLF

693. Ivy + Bean Doomed to Dance

694. SpongeBob Squarepants: #8. SpongeBob AirPants: The Lost Episode

695. Spooky Soccer (Red Bananas)

696. SpongeBob Squarepants: #14. Pirates of Bikini Bottom

697. serously SILLY stories #7. SHAMPOOZEL

698. serously SILLY stories #8. SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN ALIENS

699. serously SILLY stories #9. THE EMPEROR’S UNDERWEAR

700. serously SILLY stories #10. THE FRIED PIPER of HAMSTRING

701. Drgon Magic (Red Bananas)

702. Ivy + Bean #7. What's the Big Idea?

703. The Zack Files #12. Now You See Me... Now You Don't

704. Andrew Lost #10. On Earth

705. Andrew Lost #11. With The Dinosaurs

706. The Zack Files #13. The Misfortune Cookie

707. Ivy + Bean #8. No News is Good News

708. Andrew Lost #12. In The Ice Age

709. Andrew Lost #13. In The Garbage
710. The Zack Files #14. Elvis the Turnip ... and Me
711. The Zack Files #15. Hang a Left at Venus
712. Andrew Lost $14. With The Bats
713. Ivy + Bean #9. Make the Rules

714. Serous Silly Series #11. The Rather Small Turnip
715. Seriously Silly Colour #1. The Little Marzipan Man
716. Seriously Silly Colour #2. The Princess and the Tree
717. Seriously Silly Colour #3. The Ugly Duck Thing
718. Seriously Silly Colour #4. The Silly Willy Billy Goats
719. Seriously Silly Colour #5. Handsome and Gruesome
720. Seriously Silly Colour #6. The Elves and the Storymaker
721. Seriously Silly Colour #7. Freddy Frogface
722. Seriously Silly Colour #8. Bleeping Beauty

723. The Danger Zone #1. Avoid being a Mayan Soothsayer

724. The Danger Zone #2. Avoid being a Tudor Colonist!

725. The Danger Zone #3. Avoid working in the Forbidden City!

726. Cam Jansen #7. The Mystery of the Circus Clown

727. The Danger Zone #4. Avoid sailing with Christopher Columbus!

728. The Danger Zone #5. Avoid working in a Victorian Mill!

729. The Danger Zone #6. Avoid being a Mammoth Hunter!

730. The Danger Zone #7. Avoid Joining a Wild West Wagon Train

731. The Danger Zone #8. Avoid being a Medieval Knight!

732. The Danger Zone #9. Avoid becoming an Aztec Sacrifice!

733. Ivy + Bean #10. Take the Case

734. Andrew Lost #15. In the Jungle.

735. The Zack Files #16. Evil Queen Tut and the Great Ant Pyramids

736. The Zack Files #17. Yikes! Grandma's a Teenager

737. Andrew Lost #16. In uncle Al

738. The Zack Files #18. How I Fixed the Year 1000 Problem

739. The Zack Files The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot

740. The Zack Files #20. How I Went from Bad to Verse

741. The Zack Files #21. Don't Count on Dracula

742. The Zack Files #22. This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us

743. The Zack Files #23. Creenish Eggs and Dinosaurs

744. The Zack Files #24. My Grandma, Major-League Slugger

745. The Zack Files #25. Trapped in the Museum of Unnatural History

746. The Zack Files #26. Me and My Mummy

List of Articles
번호 참여 구분 완료권수 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 100권목표 공지 [!] 완독 글 올릴때 지켜 주세요!! 54 잉하 2014.02.22 4968
공지 100권목표 공지 ★명예의 전당(Hall of Fame)♬! 52 file 잉하 2013.12.07 5618
공지 100권목표 공지 [필독] 원서읽기 초심자에게 고함! 234 file 잉하 2014.01.02 8423
공지 100권목표 01권째 100만단어 읽기도 함께 도전하세용 48 file Docs 2013.12.31 5439
2529 100권목표 공지 2014년 원서 100권 읽기 마감 6 잉하 2015.01.04 899
2528 200권목표 174권째 Adultery - Paulo Coelho 20 scmhsw 2014.12.31 726
2527 100권목표 12권째 Rebecca Stead - When you reach me 7 file 구름다리 2014.12.30 683
2526 100권목표 100권완료 winnie the witch 2권 Curious George 5권 4 모니카 2014.12.30 356
2525 200권목표 150권째 750권 임무완수! --2014년 마감(스크롤 주의!) 28 riiil 2014.12.30 1208
2524 200권목표 149권째 The Zack Files #29. Just Add Water...and Scream! riiil 2014.12.30 266
2523 200권목표 148권째 The Zack Files #28. Tell a Lie and Your Butt will Grow riiil 2014.12.30 228
2522 200권목표 147권째 The Zack Files #27. My Teacher Ate My Homework riiil 2014.12.30 329
2521 100권목표 43권째 1984 - George Orwell 5 머욤 2014.12.30 349
2520 100권목표 112권째 The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 2 하다 2014.12.30 288
2519 100권목표 19권째 19. The Phantom of the Opera 2 마이클웨스턴 2014.12.30 257
2518 100권목표 01권째 #1 Matilda 5 Paul 2014.12.29 289
» 200권목표 146권째 The Zack Files #26. Me and My Mummy 1 riiil 2014.12.29 221
2516 200권목표 145권째 The Zack Files #25. Trapped in the Museum of Unnatural History riiil 2014.12.29 188
2515 200권목표 144권째 The Zack Files #24. My Grandma, Major-League Slugger 1 riiil 2014.12.29 259
2514 200권목표 143권째 The Zack Files #23. Creenish Eggs and Dinosaurs riiil 2014.12.29 192
2513 200권목표 142권째 The Zack Files #22. This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us riiil 2014.12.29 225
2512 200권목표 141권째 The Zack Files #21. Don't Count on Dracula riiil 2014.12.29 214
2511 200권목표 140권째 The Zack Files #20. How I Went from Bad to Verse riiil 2014.12.29 172
2510 30권목표 24권째 시즌 마감!!! 8 잠탱이 2014.12.29 238
2509 100권목표 111권째 The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle 3 하다 2014.12.27 255
2508 100권목표 53권째 [MTH] Carnival at Candlelight 후까시돼지 2014.12.27 111
2507 200권목표 139권째 The Zack Files #19 The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot riiil 2014.12.26 256
2506 200권목표 138권째 The Zack Files #18. How I Fixed the Year 1000 Problem riiil 2014.12.26 151
2505 200권목표 137권째 Andrew Lost #16. In uncle Al riiil 2014.12.25 234
2504 200권목표 136권째 The Zack Files #17. Yikes! Grandma's a Teenager riiil 2014.12.25 187
2503 200권목표 135권째 The Zack Files #16. Evil Queen Tut and the Great Ant Pyramids riiil 2014.12.25 220
2502 100권목표 12권째 (루이스 새커)There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom 4 러닝하이 2014.12.25 319
2501 100권목표 90권째 The joker –magic reader grade 6 찬란한링 2014.12.24 179
2500 200권목표 134권째 Andrew Lost #15. In the Jungle riiil 2014.12.24 153
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