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참여 구분 100권목표
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원서제목 #304 The Story of the World #1 Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor
독서구분 다독,정독
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1) 총평 (완독 소감 + 간단한 원서 리뷰 포함)

고대시대부터 로마시대 마지막까지의 역사를 이야기 형식으로 풀어나갑니다.

Who Was 시리즈 같은 느낌이면서도 이야기가 연결되는데... 진짜진짜 잼나네요..

생각보다는 좀 책이 두꺼울것 같습니다만... 총 4권으로 근현대사까지 다 이어지는 것 같은데...


다른 책을 못볼 지경입니다. ㅋㅋ


This dirt was called silt, and it was full of good vitamins and minerals for plants.
[Definition] 유사,
토사, 세사(물에 쓸려 와서 강어귀항구에 쌓이는 가는 모래진흙 등)
He carried a shepherd’s crook to show that he was supposed to lead and take care of all the Egyptian people, just like a shepherd takes care of and feeds his sheep.
양치기의(손잡이가 구부러진)
When the gods all admired it, Set said, “I will give this beautiful coffin to whichever god fits into it the best.”
= n, vt,
, 널, 낡은 배, =COFFIN BONE, 관에 넣다, 납관하
We call these pictures hieroglyphs.
= n, 상형문자
The Sumerian picture-writing was called cuneiform.
= a, n, (문자 등의)쐐기 꼴의, 설형 문자의,
설형 문자(에 의한 기록)
This was called embalming.
= vt, 시체에)향유를 발라서 보존하다:(이름을)길이 기억에 남기다, 향기를 풍기다, 향료를 치다
spiceThey cover the organs with special spices to preserve them.
= n, vt, 조미료,
향신료(를 치다), 방향을(정취를) 곁들이다(겉들이는 물건)
In one of his letters, Hammurabi calls himself “the reverent god-fearing prince.”
= a,
숭상하는, 경건한, 독한(위스키)
But the brothers bickered with each other.
= n, vi,
말다툼, 반짝거림, 후드득거림-말다툼하다, (비가)후드득 떨어지다
1) The Great Khan announces that officially stamped mulberry bark is money—and lo, let it be done.
2) She glanced up into the branches of the
mulberry tree.
= n,
뽕나무, 오디, 짙은 자주색
1) “No, I think I know what happened,” I answered grumpily.
2) He said
grumpily, “I would be happy to share my yams with you, Turtle.
= a, 성미 까다로운, 심술난
The Phoenicians were also known for making a beautiful purple dye out of snails.
= n, 달팽이,
Long, long ago, a tribe called the Minoans settled down on the island of Crete.
[Definition] 크레타 섬 ((지중해 동남부에 있는 그리스령의 섬))
= n, 크레타섬(그리스의 동남)
mediaAnd then he led the Persians in a war against the great empire of Media.
[Definition]메디아 ((카스피 해의 남쪽에 있었던 고대 왕국))
Asia Minor was now his.
[Definition]소아시아(아시아 서부의 반도로 현 터키 대부분의 지역이 이에 해당함)
1) They worked hard hauling ropes and carrying the heavy gear needed to sail the ship.
2) A hundred miles on a wilderness river with a raft, hauling a grown man who would be nothing but dead weight, was impossible.
3) “We’re hauling. . . .”
4) The Olmecs built the dirt pyramid basketful by basketful, just like the Egyptians, who built their stone pyramids by
hauling stone blocks one by one.
= vt,
잡아끌다, 잡아(끌어)당기다, 운반하다vi, 잡아당기다, (배가 바람 불어오는 쪽으로)침로를 바꾸다 ~ down one's flay 항복하다n, 세게 당기기, 운반(물, 거리), (물고기의)한 그물, 잡은(번) 것
1) As many as possible were delivered; scorched, but still legible.
2) Only, they would have scorched your lips.
3) Now it was yellow,
scorched by the fire.
[Definition] (특히 햇살이나 화학물질 때문에) 누렇게 마르다[시들다], 누렇게 마르게[시들게] 하다
= vtn,
그슬리다, 시들다, (차가) 질주하다, 태우다, 초토화 하다, 독이 오르다, 탐, 그을음, 눌음
They have a fasces in them to show that the judges have the power to punish criminals.
[Definition] [때로 단수 취급] [고대로마] 막대기 다발 속에 도끼를 끼운 집정관의 권위 표지 ((후에 이탈리아 파시스트 당의 상징이 됨)), 이것이 상징하는 관직[직위]
= n,
속간표(집정관 권위의 표지)
Then they could swim in cold or hot water, brought in by the aqueducts.
= n, 도수관, 수도, 수도교
One day, as Servius was heating the metal to make a new hoe, he heard a thundering noise.
= n, vt, 괭이, 괭이로 파다, 괭이로 갈다
Children ran down the middle of the street, chasing a mangy dog.
= a, 옴이 오른, 더러운
There were fewer people here, and they were dressed in fancier clothes—white togas with borders of red and blue.
= n,
토가(고대 로마인의 헐렁한 겉옷), (재판관 등의)직복
At the center, a man wearing only a loincloth and a belt was trying to throw a fishnet over his opponent.
[Definition] (일부 더운 나라에서 남자들이 아랫도리에 하나만 걸치는) 샅바
= n, (남양 토인 등의) 허리에 두르는 간단한 옷
1) She brandished it in the air, as if waving a gun.
2) He
brandished a three-pointed spear in his other hand.
= vt, (칼 따위를 휘두르다
Servius stepped back and put his sword back in its sheath.
= n,
칼집, 씌우개, 엽초, (벌레)의 시초
The citadel cities of the Indus Valley were deserted long, long ago.
= n, (시가를 내려다 보며 지켜주는)
성, 요새, (군함의)포대, 최후의 거점
1) At one point something came swimming up alongside the raft—a muskrat or otter or beaver—cutting a V in the water as it swam next to Brian, and in a fraction of a second his mind had turned it into the head of some beast, some underwater monster with its toothed head weaving back and forth getting ready to attack, to sweep over and take him off the raft with huge teeth; and he set the paddle down and grabbed for the spear to kill the monster, make it go away before it could eat him, and he shook his head and the vision disappeared as the animal dived and the
2) Here is how the story goes: Once upon a time, a hare, an
otter, a jackal, and a monkey lived together in a deep wood near a village.
= n,
trawl = x, 트롤망
Here is how the story goes: Once upon a time, a hare, an otter, a jackal, and a monkey lived together in a deep wood near a village.
= n,
산토끼(ravvit보다 큼) an mad as a March ~ (교미기의 산토끼처럼)이쳐 날뛰는
krishna = n, 하헤크리슈나(힌두교의 Krishna 신에게 바친 성가의 제목, (하레)크리슈나교(도)
sfoot = n, 클로버(토끼풀의 일종)
In ancient China, calligraphy was done with a special sharp paintbrush, made out of animal hairs.
= n, 달필,
서예, 서법
1) More importantly, in 1500, annual per capita production averaged $550, while today every man, woman and child produces, on the average, $8,800 a year.1 What accounts for this stupendous growth?
2) Then Shi Huangdi had an idea: a
stupendous, incredible idea.
= a,
엄청난, 굉장(거대)한
1) Tracy’s mind was too filled with turmoil.
2) And all around him, Confucius saw war and
= n,
혼란, 소동
1) Today few students study rhetoric; logic is restricted to philosophy departments, and theology to seminaries.
2) But Julius decided that he needed even more lessons in
rhetoric, so that he could convince even more Romans to vote for him.
= n, 수사학,
웅변술, 수사적기교, 수사법, 화려한문체, 미사, 과장, 설득력, 매력
The Consuls of Rome Once he was back in Rome, Julius Caesar decided that he wanted to be a consul.
= n, 영사,
집정관, 집정(1799-1804의 최고 행정기관)
So when he came back to Rome, Caesar was made dictator for life.
= n, 구술자, 명령자,
Nero had everyone who disagreed with him murdered.
= n,
네로, (로마의 포악한 황제, 기독교도를 박해한 폭군)
His favorite pastime was playing the lyre; he was a very bad lyre player, but everyone was afraid to tell him so.
= n, 리라, (손에 들고 타는 옛날의 작은 수금), 서정시
Christians in the Catacombs The Romans punished runaway slaves, criminals, and Christians by making them fight wild animals.
[the C~s] (로마의) 카타콤 ((초기 기독교도의 피난처가 된 지하 묘지))
= n, 지하묘지, (로마의)카타콤베(초기 기독교도의 피난처가 된 지하 묘지)
He was so powerful that the Romans began calling him “The Scourge of God.”
= n,
매, 채찍, 천벌(유행병, 기근, 전쟁 따위), 매질하다, 벌하다, 몹시 괴롭히다
They resented him because they had been forced to pay gold to drive the Visigoths away.
분하게[억울하게] 여기다, 분개하다
= vt, 분개하다, ..에 골내다, 원망하다, 괘씸하게 생각하다
1) Finally, Alexander’s army mutinied.
2) Even Stilicho’s own army
= n, 반란, 폭동, 반항, 반란을 일으키다, 반항하다

2) 영어 원서 100권 읽기 프로젝트 참여 목록 (지금까지 읽은 원서 목록 ↓ )-
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날짜 제목 작가 Lexile 48245쪽 
20-01-14 303 Cracking The Amazon Interview : A Step by Step Guide to Land the Job Misha Yurchenko 800 92
20-01-02 304 The Story of the World #1 Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor Susan Wise Bauer 800 338

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    마녀식당 2020.02.05 01:24
    감탄사가 절로 나오네요 단어 정리 대박이십니다 와..
    공들여 작성한 게 티가 나네요 저도 저렇게 써야하나 생각합니다ㅎㅎ
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    제프베조스 2020.02.05 07:53
    단어정리는 계륵이지요 ㅎㅎㅎ
    원서읽기 스피드가 좀 붙으셨는데 단어 댜충 알고 넘어가는게 영 맘에 걸리시면 추천합니다
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    파타팬 2020.02.06 01:28
    후기 감사합니다. 스토리랑 잘 엮었나보네요 저도 나중에 재미있게 읽을 수 있을지 궁금하네요 나중에 읽어보겠습니다 ㅎㅎ 저도 다음에 후기 남길때 책표지도 찾아서 같이 올려봐야겠어요.
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    제프베조스 2020.02.07 18:53
    후기 좀 성의있게 적으시면 나중에 본인한테 도움이 됩니다 ㅎㅎ
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    windgirl 2020.02.07 23:50
    초강추라하시니 읽어보고 싶네요! 단어정리까지 고맙습니다!
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    제프베조스 2020.02.08 00:32
    이책 몇년전에 번역본이 강남 대치동의 필독서로 난리났었다는 바로 그책입니다!!! ㅋㅋ
    초중딩때 세계사는 암기과목이라 무지 싫어했는데... 진작에 이런식으로 세계사를 공부할 수 있도록 해 줬었다면... 좋았을거 같다는 생각이 불현듯 드네요... 단어장 응원해 주시니 고맙습니다. windgirl님^^
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    windgirl 2020.02.08 08:22
    오호 유명한 책이었군요! Who was 도 여러가지 몰랐던것들을 알게해주어 무척 좋던데 역사 공부도 할겸 꼭 함 봐야되겠네요 고맙습니다!

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